Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tsunami warning.

Hey it's 12:10 PM so don't trip it's not a late night blog post haha. Anyways, as you may or may not heard, there was a huge earthquake in chili today? Or yesterday I'm not too sure. But that has issued a tsunami warning for us here in California!

Insane huh? Do you know how bad I want to go to the beach and check it out?! I'm like a junkie needing their drug of choice! How awesome would it be to see a gnarly wave coming straight at you? Don't worry, I have seen 10+ waves right here in my own backyard, and trust me it just looks like a huge wall of water!

But ohhhhh man I want to go! I'll bring the flip and record some!


Going places mentally.

Where to start? Let's start off with I hate those logger shows. I just don't get them. I respect their hard work, but damn they complain a lot!

Next. How do you describe this? It seems like people I'm close to take me to places I never thought i'd go mentally. Deep and dark places. Weird huh? One of the reasons I'm giving up social networking. Myspace, done. I'm still keeping the facebook but just not updating it. Twitter? Yeah the same as facebook.

I don't know, I'm just not a hipster! I want to do great things but everyone is just holding me back. It's time for change, not just minor change but major change. I sound like one of those dudes on the ITT tech commercials, but no I'm not going to go there haha.

It's just tough when EVERYONE you know has gotten cars bought for them, and at your $8.25 an hour job it's hard to buy a car. One, because you don't get very many hours. Two, because no matter how hard you try people keep coming up with reasons why you owe them money. Something is up with my parents and why they are against buying me a car... I honestly say they hold a grudge because they were never bought cars. They still think it's the 50's where it's unheard of that parents buy their kids cars. But take a good fucking look around, do you think all those kids bought their own cars? I highly doubt it.

I need a car, and one that doesn't cost $70 every 140 miles. It's tough. Life is tough.

I'm out of things to say. And I think I'm just rambling on haha. I gotta stop blogging so late in the night! I'm living out that movie office space! If they sell it at wal mart I'm going to buy it, because my stupid pants ripped and now I have to get new ones.... Is anywhere hiring?


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bobsled dreams

In all honesty how awesome would it be to win an Olympic medal? Extremely! I mean come on, how many people can say they have one?! I want one too.

I'm very sick. Not deathly or anything, but sick enough where I'm watching tv and taking a day off work to get well. What's on? The Olympics of course! Which got me thinking, out of all the sports, which one can I be the best at? I could never go as big as Shaun White, and have never tried skiing in my life. So bam it hit me.... Bobsled!

How awesome would it be to be the guy in the back, the real motor behind the operation? I can run fast, sprint, and hold on tight! Now I just have to find a school somewhere so I can sign up and become an Olympic bobsledder!



Monday, February 8, 2010


I posted this video on my main site.

Why do I want to do this? That is a good question really! Maybe just to see how much your change over
the year really! Well not YOU but me. It should be fun! I'm kind of curious to see how good my video
filming skills turn out to be, because if you have seen my snowboarding vlog, they aren't the best!


Saturday, February 6, 2010


World confession time, we all have them!  It could be; porn, youtube, blogging, chat roulette, online shopping, or hey even all of the above.. GAC ; )  The point I'm making is someone walked by my casa last night and heard me say "You didn't answer my question bitch!"  So he thought I talked to my computer at the people on YouTube.  What he didn't know was that I just watched the new Ask iJ video, and no she didn't answer my question, and she's not a bitch.  

What made me mad was she used my question (about the Apple logo tattoo) but with someone else's name on it!  COME ON!  Have I not asked that question like a gazillion times?  AT LEAST A GAZILLION!  I think iJustine has been like my one thing I wouldn't want anyone to know about haha!  Like for the longest time I didn't want to subscribe to her because I knew people would get jealous that I was watching a hot blonde lady on YouTube talking about Apple products.  So I would always just search her and see if she had any new videos up.  OH life you make the best of me haha.

Anyways, who says all that stuff is addicting?  I mean come on it's kinda fun right?  To be honest I don't see a problem with ANY of it.  You know all the church people that are like "Porn is a sin and everyone who looks at it is going to hell!"  Yeah we have all seen those people..  Are you telling me they have NEVER looked at porn?  YOU KNOW they have.  It's all over and hard to miss!  I mean look at my wallpaper..

Am I going to hell for this?  NO!  Why would I because I love looking at a hot naked lady while I'm on my computer?  HAHA yeah right!  I think if you tell someone their going to hell, really you are the one who is going to hell!  I try and have a new good lookin lady like once a week!  It's like you know what it's MY computer and I don't want some stupid picture with yo ugly ass face and have you get pissed when I change it.  Like I said, IT'S MY COMPUTER!  New 27'' iMac : ) 

To sum it all up!  It's not an addiction it's a hobby haha.  

"Hey you are addicted to jacking off!"
"No no I'm not, it's just a hobby!"