Tuesday, March 30, 2010


What up! How are you? Good good, I'm great as well! Ohhhh shit, this thing hasn't been updated in FOREVER!! So so so so many things have changed in the past months, and you know what? Change is a great thing! It's not like I'm a totally different person ya know? Just better! Not like ohh I'm better than you better, just (kanye lyric) hard, faster, stronger, long, better haha.

Let's just take a quick run down of what's been going on in the past months. New classes, new computer, growing photography gigs, finally bought my own truck, new job, and you know what.. Too many things to list! Oh yeah I dropped 28 pounds! How sick is that? 28 dang pounds of fat not muscle! What I want to know is where does all the fat go haha. Real good question huh?

I've been pretty busy though, so busy that we or I had to add someone to the main blog to write a few blogs every now and them. Top bad he hasn't stepped up and written any, but really one day he will! We can't update from my house because our Internet is down for some weird reason! Hence the iPhone post haha.

What else?

Oh! Been making weekly daily monthly vlogs every now and then! One of my best bros stepbro is in most of them, and we teach him just random ass things haha. Like the first one was how to shoot a gun, and the second one was how to test drive cars, even though it was more of me test driving cars. Anyways check it out on the YouTube!


It's late! Keep on pushin, don't give up, _________________! (Fill in your own!)