Thursday, April 15, 2010

Broken ipad!

I love my ipad more than anything. It's the best thing I have every bought. (you can't buy kids can you? Or can you? I have no idea) anyways! Why is the ipad something I always reach for when I'm angry and I just want to break the shit out of it?! I don't think I have anger issues, but when I'm mad I just want to break all the expensive things I love! Weird huh?

Like today, got into a huge argument with my parents (well my mom) and it was pretty bad. So i said say goodbye to the ipad because I'm gonna break it!

Thankfully, I didn't break it because I would be totally bummed but why do I go through the motion of breaking it? Like an out of body experience. I see myself breaking it, and then I stop myself from doing it. I don't even know what I'm saying haha.

Tea party. I really need extra credit in my political science class. So I'm going to a tea party tomorrow. Sick huh? Yeah, it's in Santa Maria. Park at bestbuy walmart and walk towards all those automotive dealers. Buy a car while your there! Anyways. It's some kind of rally, and I need extra credit, and want to make a video of my experience there incase i don't see my teacher. I don't know what TEA stands for because really I don't care but it's along the lines of were tired of being taxed so bring your plungers!

Go, check it out, look for me and @mysterycat4 vlogging.

Push hard, live life, keep on fighting!


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