Thursday, December 31, 2009

I have heard a lot of different things about what it is called.. Year of the spaceship, year of the water bottle.. It goes on and on! 2 years to go till 2012! What are you doing on new years? Oh really? Sounds pretty awesome haha.

Have you heard of the complaint generator? No?? Google it.. Here is one they wrote for me for 2012..

As much as I hate churlish cult leaders, I hate 2012 even more, especially when it tries to harm others or even instill the fear of harm. One of my objectives for this letter is to lead it out of a dream world and back to hard reality. 2012's tasteless positions often resemble an inverted fairy tale in that the triumph of innocence comes at the start and the ugly sisters of revisionism and pauperism enter on stage in triumph for the final curtain. That's it for this letter. I sincerely hope that typing it was not a complete waste of energy. Unfortunately, I do realize that my words will probably trigger no useful response in the flabby synapses of 2012's brain. I just felt obligated to go through the motions because 2012 is not only woefully meddlesome, but terribly socially inept.

They can make complaints for anything or anyone!! I love it : ) have a great new years!

- Posted from my iPhone! PEACE!

Location:2010 YEAR OF THE...?

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dirty jobs..

Ok here's my beef with that show.. First of I want everyone to know that I do love the show and I think it's really awesome! But tonight an episode came on with a cow that has a hole in it's side so they can look into it's stomach! I don't know, there is something about that, that just rubs me the wrong way. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a member of PETA or anything. But still! Who knows if the cow hates it or loves it or what! I'm all about learning about new things, and how things work.. It's just I kinda feel bad for the cow.. What are your ideas?


- Posted from my iPhone! PEACE!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Class reunions

Do you think you'll go? I'm like 99% positive I won't go! I know it's like 3 years away but still! I don't really have any need or want to see the people I graduated with.. Sorry! I mean I keep up with the people I was pretty cool with, there just isn't much of a need to see anyone else haha. Besides it could be pretty awkward if you know what I mean... Like when we had the works Christmas party, it felt like a class reunion but then after awhile it didn't! Kinda like we never stopped hanging out... Maybe because all the people from work aren't d-bags haha. Not that everyone from school are either! But still don't think I'm gonna go to my class reunion! Happy Christmas eve : )

- Posted from my iPhone! PEACE!

Location:Sirius Ave,Lompoc,United States

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I'm sick of..

All these usteam shows that have nothing on them! Like this one that said, Santa live! So I'm thinking awesome, I can tell Santa what I want, even though Christmas is day after tomorrow.. But still, what I'm trying to say is.. It said there were 80 viewers and showed a picture of Santa talking. Was there a Santa? No not at all! It was just a black screen. And no one was chatting. So moral of the story is, if your going to post a show on usteam and have it say, "talk to Santa!" then make it be talk to Santa!

- Posted from my iPhone! PEACE!

Just one of those days..

Have you ever had one of those days when you hated the way you look and you hate all your clothes on you because your so fat, and your sad that you have such a small weiner and it's ben weird? I haven't had one of those days either, but I am having one of those let's stay in bed all day playing iPhone apps haha. I think it's like, hey if you decided to just be lazy all day and not do anything, the world isn't going to wait around for you to kick it into gear, no! The world is gonna leave you behind! Yeah! So make some moves today! Make deals, break hearts, wear a snuggie out in public, and live life!

- Posted from my iPhone! PEACE!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Today's MLIA

What is this mystery google? Sounds pretty crazy...

Today, I was on the phone with my boyfriend while also on Mystery
Google. I was about to tell my boyfriend about how annoying my sister
was, when Mystery Google told me to look under my bed. I did, and she
was hiding there. I'm so scared of your powers, Mystery Google. MLIA.

Sent from my iPhone.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

I lied..

This one is way better..
Today, I was in my Sociology class. It was another pointless
discussion day and my attention was quickly fading when my teacher
said, "Ok, so we've named all the positive aspects of home schooling,
now tell me why is home schooling a negative thing." One of the quiet
kids slowly raised his hand and when the teacher called on him he
responded, "Because the hot girl in class is your sister." We ended
class early that day because no one could stop laughing. MLIA

Sent from my iPhone.


Today, I went to There are 22 people in America named
Tom Riddle. My first thought: dear god, there are 22 Voldemorts in
America. We're doomed. Then I checked for how many people were named
Harry Potter. There are 102. I immediately relaxed. 102 Harrys vs 22
Voldemorts - we're safe. MLIA.

Sent from my iPhone.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I don't know if you saw this video on my other site so I figured I would post it here..


Saturday, November 28, 2009

2012: The Movie

Have you seen this movie? It's not too late to go and see it. Hey if
you like special affects then this is your kind of movie! I don't want
to give away the whole movie, but I think they got a little bit too
negative with the whole doomsday stuff. Like tell me if I'm wrong, but
isn't when there is an earthquake in the ocean you don't see the
waves, they just move through the water and then once they get to
shore then they start to get huge? Ohhh no not this time! Maybe
because it was a doomsday wave, so it could get that huge. I'm pretty
curious to see how it all plays out.. Since I live right by the San
Andreas fault!

It's pretty typical of politicians to think that their lives are way
more important than everyone elses. I did think it was pretty awesome
that the President stayed behind! They should have gotten Alphacat to
play Obama instead of the guy who did! : )

Go see the movie, entertain yourself!

Sent from my iPhone.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Alright, here it goes!  I had a crazy party at my house right?  And for some reason we had a pingpong table  and I decided that instead of using a pingpong ball I would use like a bullet they would shoot out of a tank.. Yeah it was live.. Then I hit it across and it hit the ground, and stated to light on fire like it was going to explode.. (Pretty weird!?) Then for some reason I couldn't put the fire out so I had to pee on it... Then it went out!

How random of a dream is that??  Random enough to share, that's for sure!

Dang dreams.. I wonder if it's a sign that I'm super awesome and pingpong and I blow up the competition?


Sunday, November 22, 2009


I'm sorry but what has happened to America??? Why can we let our best
friends wear these? I feel so bad for this dog!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Not going droid!

So last night I finally got my hands on a droid. You know what? If
there wasn't such thing as an iPhone or a blackberry I would probably
get one haha. They keys are super weird and shallow! Their like the
old chocolate keys if you can remember those! And the screen is really
hard to slide up too hahah. You know what?! It is better than the palm
pre! I'll give you that droid!


Sent from my iPhone.

Monday, November 9, 2009


We have stickers now! So if you see one on your car.. Don't be mad just check out the site!

Oh yeah and I didn't put it there either!


Sunday, November 8, 2009


Ok here is the question of the day.. Do you think it's ok to blow up
the bathroom that everyone walks by? No! It's pretty gross! No one
wants to smell something that was just in your butt! What the problem
is that we have 3 bathrooms, I don't see what using one away from
everyone is the problem! Does anyone agree with me? I don't want to go
kanye west caps lock to try and get my point across but DONT BLOW UP A


Sent from my iPhone.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Camera sponsor

You know who is lucky? Ashton kutcher! How sick would it be to be
sponsored by Nikon? All you gotta do is make commercials and bam you
get free cameras! Sign me up! I need to take photos, but i've already
taken millions of photos in my backyard so it's time for something new!


Sent from my iPhone.


If there has been ANYTHING I have learned over the past few days.. months.. years? (Maybe) it would be that you can't really trust everyone or anyone!  When people say "oh yeah I got your back you'll be my best friend forever!" (like in Talladega Nights) Pretty much they are lying straight up to your face.. Maybe it sounds true right then and there but really it's FAKE.  I think the Foo Fighters wrote a song about that.. Oh yeah here it is...

Anyways.. I never thought it would come down to posting this haha. But after last night it was like it had to be said! No ceilings right? Alright enough blogging and time to get back to my
life! DTA! Haha in this day and age that could go SO many different ways.. Don't trust anyone.. Don't trust assholes.. The list goes on and on!


Sunday, October 18, 2009


Ok so you know how the Blackberry is supposed to be so much better than the iPhone?  How can it be when all the dang apps in their store are extremely expensive?? I do really like that Blackberry app that makes it seem like someone else is calling you!  Where is that for iPhones? HUH you SDK people?!  Oh well it will come out soon enough!  I'm thinking about changing this site up, instead of being "MAXS THOUGHTS" it's going to be something new and different.. Do I really want to buy a domain name for it though?  Because I hardly ever update it, and who knows if anyone really looks at it.. It will be a secrete blog!


Sunday, October 11, 2009


Is $20 too much for a shirt? Really? I don't think so to tell you the
truth. When I got sent this picture it made me crack up haha. Oh god,
go to my main site.. and buy some real shirts!


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Guilty pleasure night..

Woo what a night full of raves! I collected 138838382 braceletts
tonight which means I can finally cover my whole arms and legs! YES!!
Now I'm going to pass out! Ima try and get on an episode of cribs to
show everyone what I've been up to!!

Oh yeah new motto, "if you got a problem with me come fight me,
delight me!" - the expendables

Sunday, September 27, 2009


So tonight I got to photography during a boom gnarly tennis match!  Here is one photo..

Hit the RAMP and check out the rest of the photos from tonights event!



Custom cookies!

As far as stepping my blog game up has gone today, they are on mega
fire!! Check out these custom cookies with the logo I made earlier!
Sick huh? Makes you want to click on some ads!



Check it out!  BUY ONE SHIRT or TEN!  Stickers will come soon too..



Proof that 2012 is fake!

Ok so we have all heard about 2012... And quite frankly it has gotten
pretty out of hand! So as my job as a huge blogger I want to bring you
the TRUTH! Why would the world end if the tuna companies say the tuna
won't go bad until 2013??!! You would think if the world was going to
end, then that's when everything should expire... Right? Like food
expires when we expire. Well I'm glad chicken of the sea cleared this
up, and I hope it puts the whole 2012 matter to bed, because I'm tired
of hearing about it!!



So my other/main/better site has a twitter.. YOU SHOULD CHECK IT OUT/FOLLOW IT!



Saturday, September 26, 2009

Lady Gaga

Ok so I just saw my first full lady gaga video and I'm not really sure
what to think! Like to I feel more positive about myself? No, I feel
pretty weirded out hahaha. It's cool that she is a huge celebrity, but
still some of the stuff she produces is pretty uhhh interesting to say
the least.... Am I right??


Friday, September 25, 2009

Sleep vs. Work!

Ah right now I should stay up later and make a bunch of designs for
Phaze 1, but to be honest it's 11:46 and my eyes are very close to
being shut tight till tomorrow morning. I'm thinking about, well not
decided to do it or not, but planning on selling ad spaces on my blog
so if you are interested just drop an email to
and well talk business! I don't know the prices just yet but I know
they won't be extremely crazy or be all whoa you got a million clicks
you owe me $1,000 haha. Ok I can't see the screen anymore and I'm just
able to text out of muscle memory!



Mms finally came out on the iPhone!! It's about time for it to! You
know what is so sweet about it? The speed! It's crazy fast! So if I
were you I would go get an iPhone and mms it up!


Thursday, September 24, 2009


Yo!  On my main site, ON OR OFF I have a new header logo.. Take a look!  Then peep it to all your friends, since today is 1000 day!



Cougar town

There is this new show on abc called cougar town. It's a pretty funny
show to be honest. It's about a mom ( a cougar) who is trying to get
laid, or just make it in the world being a cougar. I hope this show
makes it haha.

On a more interesting note, there was an advertisement for a website
called where YOU can hook up/ meet cougars of your
own. Talk about random huh.

Haha ok peace!


Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Check this guy out.. Click on the link, and all your wonderful dreams will come true! (in a romantic voice)

Diesel Tank

Where can I find a shirt like that?



If you haven't seen already, I have new INK!  Check it out, it's not going anywhere for a long long time!  BECAUSE IT'S IN MY SKIN BITCH!  HAHA



Ok don't get me wrong they are probably the coolest things ever, but
when you are just sitting there talking on your phone, but you have
your headset in, you look a little crazy haha. The little things in
life that crack me up, I don't know what I would do without them!
Probably go crazy!!



Tuesday, September 22, 2009


In under 5 seconds... It sucks when you spend 5 hours getting an amazing back tattoo and then when you get home your mom rips you a new one!  If you can't put it all together... That's what happened to me!  I totally got un depressed too, and then BAM!  Back down!  Click on some ads so I can get money to buy a truck then move out!  Oh yeah if your looking at getting a new tattoo go to The Upper Room in Santa Maria THEIR SICK!


Here's the deal

So today my site got 172 views... Dont get me wrong that's awesome!
But I need some ad clicks yo! The ads are what fund the site! Without
ad clicks the site gets no money what so ever. So do us all a favor
and click on some ads. Besides it's not like you have to pay for it!

"Sometimes people trip, some falll, but others can turn it into a
beautiful dance." -John mayer.



Monday, September 21, 2009


AHH I love driving to Santa Maria..



If you are going to make fun of ME on YOUR blog because I'm trying to help you not get totally screwed over! Forget it!  Don't be thick headed!  Your not thinking with your dipstick!

Your not Kid Cudi in the Pursuit of Happiness, so slow your roll!


New video up soon..

Sunday, September 20, 2009


So yeah that's where I am.. That's all!  If you didn't see the apology video just ask and I'll perform it live.



Saturday, September 19, 2009


Working on it right now!  And not to brag or anything, but like everything I do IT'S GOING TO BE SICK!


Cookie Jar.

If you don't have pandora, or even listen to it go to it right now,
after reading this post of course! This one song came on the other
day called cookie jar by iration, which is such a sick song! Download
it now! Say you see someone you know do something wrong, and you call
them on it, and they deny it, but you have proof? If you want to be
super cleaver tell them... they got caught with their hands in the
cookie jar, caught you red handed, caught you red handed. I said this
to my dog and he gave me that your a tool I don't speak English look.

Listen to iration!


Friday, September 18, 2009


You know, I am just not feeling their negativity these days! If you
don't know what i'm talking about, life after people, and now the
universe! What are the odds about 2012? I sure don't know. Personally
I think we as a whole have come to far to just bam end. Then I'm
starting to think, what if it is like that movie groundhog day, where
we have 2012 years to accomplish as much as we can then just re start?
There are just so many things to think about! 2012, let's not talk
about it anymore! Got that discovery channel, and history channel?
This one guy in my speech class said that the earth will just complete
one wobble in 2012, and then will just start another one. Who knows,
we will just have to wait and see! Ugh it's like Christmas eve when
your little and you are just so excited for Christmas day you can't
sleep! I can't say that if we all die that would be a great gift, but
you get my idea!

Trying to be positive!



That is the word on the street as well!  It's like WHAT THE HECK!  Closing the beach where I learned to surf?  That is pretty sad : ( Do I hear some "SAVE OUR BEACHES" bumper stickers?  Who would rep those?  All the money would go to uhhhh saving the beaches!  It still really bums me out though, that is one of my favorite places to surf too!!  It's not like it costs anything to run it either, (which I'm sure it does but I don't know!) Do a better job of running the state!

Haha ok so I was looking through my photobucket account for a picture of Refugio and came across this.. One of my favorite posters I made for a friend.. So I thought hey I should share!

Here is an old MAXS-BLOG poster too..

Ah back in the good ol days!



For some reason unknown, that adjective complainer sure gets tossed my
way a whole lot! I really don't know why either! Like people are
complaining that I'm complaining. When do I complain? I talk bad
things about some people but that doesn't mean I'm a complainer!
Wouldn't the people who complain about me complaining, be double
complainer? If that makes sense...? To me it does haha.


What do you think I hustle for, so I can drive a rav4? Don't think so!
Don't complain about someone being a complainer when their not,
because were going to run this town tonight!

Yeah I am listening to that song right now.

I still want to know who left that comment! Ah it's like a mystery!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The colony

Wow, I'm watching last nights episode, and holy crap the guys on the
show are major cry babies! They scream and flip out for no reason,
it's like grow up you tools! There are 3 guys that are cool.. The guy
with the super long hair, the guy validamier and the Mexican guy haha.
They seem to keep their cool. The rest, the mechanic and contractor
are major tools/cry babies. I'm suprised the self defense instructor
doesn't kick the crap out of them, because you know she will!

As lame as the show is some times, I still am addicted to it haha. The
acting is premium!


Monday, September 14, 2009


So pretty much by now everyone hates kanye west because of what he did
to Taylor swift. If you live on the moon like me, and didn't know what
happened, Taylor swift was giving her speech and Kanye decided to jump
up on stage like an asshole and steal the mic and say how much better
beyoncee's video was. Taylor was just like WTF! And didn't know what
to say. Anyways! The world hates kayne (finally).

That dude keeps screwing up seriously. After Michael Jackson died he
said he was the new king of pop. A few minutes later after everyone
gave him heap loads of shit, he decided to change his mind. ( whimp )

Why is this still blogworthy a day later? Well because like everyone I
like that new jay-z song run this town. What do you do when you like
songs? Download them off iTunes of course! When I was going to pay the
crazy $1.29 a song, I saw who else was on the track too.... Kanye
west! So of course I'm not going to buy it! Sorry jay-z but take his
worthless lines off the track and then I'll buy it!

Speaking of rap, I heard this one bar in a song that pretty much is
how my life is right now. There is a certain someone out there that is
totally jealous of how carefree and happy I choose to live my life, so
they try and make everyone elses life a living hell. The bar went. Go
ahead and envy me, because I'm raps MVP, and I ain't going no where.
Taken from hate it or love it by the game. How sick is that? Pretty
much perfect!

I love how the beatboxing hitman used big sweaty ball sack to describe
kanye, so I think I'm going to add another person to the list of big
sweaty ball sacks, and that's the person who envy's me because I'm
lifes MVP! Booya!


Saturday, September 12, 2009


Ok so since this is my blog I can pretty much post whatever I want.. This is a shout out to TOMIKO BLOG because we talking about this earlier.. What happens if you ask about fishy vagina on Yahoo! answers?  This is their response..

Why does this smell like this?

Hi, I am a girl, on my boyfriends account and I was wondering why vaginas smell like fish sometimes? Pretty strange question I know, but I was just wondering! : ) muchas gracias in advance!


you asked your question in "Cleaning & Laundry"??
That's the wrong category. Ask it again in Women's Health.

The vagina has both good & bad bacteria in it and basically this can cause an individual odor in women. Your urine smell can be affected by medicines, food and beverages, too. Maybe this is affecting your Odor.

Usually, showering and rinsing the vagina well, should eliminate any odors.

Haha what a huck!  The question does kind of have to do with cleaning.. Depending on how you look at it!


Tuesday, September 8, 2009


So pretty much if you couldn't tell, I'm totally hooked on getting my
holga! It sure as heck hasn't come yet, but it should very soon!
Anyways,! The reason for this post is I was looking around online and
come to find out you can buy holga cameras for like $35. That's way
better than my grand total of $78. But with that said, I think
everyone should get their first holga from lomography. Maybe my next
super Modded holga will come from but we
will see! They have a wide varitey of pretty much everything! Now
someone just needs to make a waterproof case for it!!


Monday, September 7, 2009

Pinhole camera

All this talk about a holga and photography in general is kinda making
me want to build another pinhole camera! But out of what this time? To
this date I have made 3. 2 out of a sunglass box and 1 out a jewerly
box. I do love the spam one but that would be super hard to make! Hmmm
what to make it out of! A book would be cool, but I would hate to
waste a good book! Looks like I need to go to the dollar store and get
that book about George w bush! Then cut out the insides, put the film
in there, and bam!! It would be perfect lol. I want to see what the
other pinhole pictures look like too. Leave a comment with a pinhole


Sunday, September 6, 2009


For the record, I have a Gmail account and I know Blogger is owned by Google haha.  Anyways, a while ago I posted a post saying my Google adsense account got banned, so I sent them an email saying what the heck why did it get banned yada yada.. Well they just sent me an email back.. AFTER 3 WEEKS, saying their "sorry" and my account is still blocked.


Thanks for providing us with additional information. However, after
thoroughly reviewing your account data and taking your feedback into
consideration, we've re-confirmed that your account poses a significant
risk to our advertisers. For this reason, we're unable to reinstate your
account. Thank you for your understanding.

You know what google? I don't understand!  I'm just an average guy trying to make it in this world and your slowing me down!  Hey everyone go to BING!  HAHA no more Google search engine!  I really don't know why they banned me! : ( : ( 


I'm on the Holga countdown!


OK so contrary to the last post, I said you know what you only live once, and if your Mayan, the world will end in a few years so why not go and buy a Holga!  If you don't know what one is..
Sick huh?  I love how you can change the color of the flash!  WOO WOO!  I so can't wait till it comes!  You know what else is amazing about the Holga?  How much information there is online about it!  One of my favorite sites to look at is SQUARE FROG!  They are in no way shape or form have anything to do with my site, but they pretty much convinced me to get one!  So a major shout out goes to them!  If you ever want crazy in depth information about Holga's go there!  

Ugh I am just so excited for it to come!


Buying a Holga

Ughhhhh I really really want to buy a lomography holga camera. And for
sure I have the money, I just don't know! Ugh. I can develop the film
in my backyard in the balloon shed we just built, which would be
awesome. Fml. I really just can't decided if I should buy one or not!
I'm so on the fence! If I got one I would have 8 cameras. 8! I love
photography! To buy one or not to buy one. I could take some sick
photos, I wonder if there are any underwater cases for them haha.
Ughghhhbgvhhgg!!! To buy one or not to buy one!!!!!!! I know deep down
inside I'll be happy with one, I just need to do it! Shit. Haha. I
don't know why I'm so stressed about it. Like really stressed haha. It
would be fun to take to Hawaii. I work so hard, I should buy something
for myself!

The decision hasn't been made yet...


Looking for sponsors.

If you are reading this and have cool stuff you want to donate to maxs
thoughts for free advertising then send an email to
! Then we'll talk some kind of deal!

What is the deal these days? All these "high end" blogs having these
huge sponsors that give them tons of stuff for free! What does it
take, just annoying the crap out of them hahah.

I guess so! A camera sponsor would be cool to have! When I had maxs-
blog, I tried so hard to get lomography to hook it up with free stuff
and even try to get my own edition of a fisheye camera, but as you can
tell by now that never happened!

Anyways, any product! Just let me know by sending an email to,


Saturday, September 5, 2009


Here is my question for the world!  What would happen if you tried to develop color film but with the black and white procedure?  WHAT WOULD HAPPEN?  I think I am going to ask this question on Yahoo! answers and see what happens haha.  I'll post all the answers on here, then tell me what you think is the best answer!  Some people on there are total tools!  TOOLS = LAME!

I didn't take this photo, but it sure is awesome!


Thursday, September 3, 2009

IQ tests!

On tonights episode of the fantasy factory they all took iq tests. So
pretty much I have a higher iq than everyone on the show! What's mine
you might ask? A whopping 144!! Woo woo!! I'm pretty sure they all
will have more money than I ever will. Maybe one day I'll be in a
gymkahana video! I do have a go kart haha.

I'm really enjoying riding my bike places. It's kinda like after a
long day at work, it just gives you time to clear your head and forget
about all the mean kids! I'm falling asleep! Keep it fresh/real or
whatever! Keep it 100%


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

3,000,000 kids and counting!

The duggars man! I don't know where to start with that group of
people! Are they addicted to sex or what? They announced their having
the 19th kid! She just had one too! Let that vagina rest Jim bob! It's
just like come on, do they really need that many kids? Are they
preparing for a small army or what! Plus can you name anyone who likes
having babies? And I mean birthing them! I can't say that I do! Think
about it!

I'm so glad I have work off tomorrow! 2 days at paso would be too
much, plus we got done today at 4 so I wouldn't have enough time to go
home, re charge my batteries, then go back to class. So really I have
no idea what I would do in Santa Maria until class! I do have a
grandma in santa Maria, maybe I could call her haha. Anyways big
things are going to happen that I am pretty excited about haha. Some
photoshoots that are just going to be so huge, like an orgasm for the
eyes! And no they don't pop haha. Click on some ads to learn something



Getting to talk to one of your idols is probably one of the coolest
things! Even if it was only a simple tweet on Twitter!

Watch out for the future haha. Big stuff is going to happen! And yes,
I am half asleep right now!


Monday, August 31, 2009


Talk about a sensative subject! I just saw a commercial talking about
how people are preparing for the worst. Are you a half life player?
The commercial gave me the feeling like I was playing that game.
Really! It was like uhhh is this for real?? But what do you think? Do
you think the world is going to end in 3 or so years? I really can't
say if I do or not! If anything does happen humans will just adapt to
it! I don't want to offend anyone but could the myan calander just
stop because they died off?? Anyways tell me what you think in a

I do want to go back to Yosemite to take some sick photos!!


Chevy cars

I don't own any Chevys. And with that said I don't think I would ever
want to own any!! My girl friends dad just recently bought a 2010
Malibu. I can't tell you how many times it has been in the shop! I
really don't know what for, but it's still in the shop haha. A new car
shouldn't be in the shop, plain and simple!



Hey on my other site I post pictures that I take that are pretty dang interesting!  If you want to see them go here.. ON OF OFF Here is just a little preview
I can't give you the whole thing!  Check it out for yourself!



Here is my question to you.. What kind of tool goes to a Katy Perry concert and doesn't take any photos??  What's the point of even bringing a camera?  HAHA!  If your name is Libby and you are reading this, YOU ARE A TOOL!  Take some photos when you go to a concert!




Ashton kutcher tweeted something yesterday saying I hope that rumor
about perez isn't true. Well what is the rumor???I sure as heck want
to know haha. So I googled it and somehow it came up with that, some
MAN is carrying his baby around... Like in his body. Creepy! Then
another one said that lady gaga is a guy and gaga and perez are in a
relationship. Really random as well!

I want to know what the real rumor is, and once I find out I sure as
heck will post it on here!!



Yo yo yo. A few weeks ago I made a video talking about MY opinions on
the show whale wars. But of course like everyone on YouTube they had
to get their panties in a bunch! For some reason they think that the
people on the show are doing a great job, and their tatics are working
out great. Well let's face it, their not! Let's see, what season are
we on now... Number 2 or 3? You would think if it was working as great
as they say the show would be over in one season..... Unless wait no,
they ( the whale savers ) are doing it for the money??!? Heavens no!

They waste the whales meat like crazy. Great tatic! Now the japaneese
whalers will just have to kill more to make up for the meat they
tainted. SMART!

On one preview of the show they were all. Ohhhh I can't believe they
killed a whale in front of us! Well yeah you tool because they don't
care about you, or your cry baby captian!

Moral of they story, if your going to change something do it 100% not


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Website logos

Once we get Internet back, ( it's down ) all my sites will have custom
headers that I have made. Want one for your site? Just send an email
to and let me know what you want! On Wednesday
night my photo teacher showed us a picture a guy took that is one of
his examples of death, and it really is interesting! So with that
said, I want to re create it later haha. Yes, in the photo world it is
called re creating, not copying!

If you are like me and this weather is killing you, go to wal mart and
pick up the wind master 3300!!! Let me tell you, it's extremely cool!
( pun intended ) I don't know how I ever survived without one haha.
Now the question is, where do I store it in the winter? Haha we will
soon find out!!


Thursday, August 27, 2009


Yo here's what's been going down! I got an email today saying there
has been invalid clicks on my google adsense account. So pretty much
the $60 I made is all gone! Dang it! So if anyone else wants to run
ads on my site (for free) just let me know, because if google doesn't
take my letter I sent to them, I'll never be able to run google ads
ever again! With that said, hello adbrite! Don't mess with google!
Google = the man. Pretty much. Word on the Internet is adbrite is a
little bit nicer than google, which in this world nicer is way better!

Speaking of being mean, when I wrote that letter to google, they asked
for my publisher ID, well shoot I don't know that! So they had a help
thing to find it, well my account is blocked so I could never find it!
So I wrote couldn't find it my account is blocked!

Live free, die hard!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Plastic surgery

While I am making coffee for my early early hours in the morning, my
parents are watching a show on people who are addicted to plastic
surgery! Wow, disgusting! Ok so there is good plastic surgery and bad
plastic surgery. Good PS would be like.... Kate Gosselin, 6 kids,
flabby stomach, the doctor fixed it up. Bad PS would be people who are
extremely addicted to it and look like aliens!! One lady on the show
wanted her butt to be bigger! So the doctor injected her butt with
fat. Literally! What else is really disgusting is that they showed
everything on tv. I have seen a man in half stuffing his guts back
into his chest, but I sure as heck don't want to see some lady get fat
injected into her butt!! Have you ever injected meat with the syringe?
Yes, that is exactly it!! ( make throw up face now )

On a lighter more interesting note, if you are vegan and a
photographer then you are a hypocrite! Well, if you shoot film
photography! Why? Well because when they develop your film the
emulsion is made out of cattle ears, and hoofs, and their not allowed
to eat any mustard because it messes up the developmet process. When I
heard that it cracked me up! One because I'm sure vegan photographer
don't know that hahah, and two well I don't know haha. But share a
laugh with me! Hahahahahahahahhaahahahhahahaha!

If god didn't want us to eat animals he wouldn't of made them out of


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Michael Jackson

Ok so on my other blog, I posted a video that
supposedly shows Michael Jackson jumping out of the back of a cororner
van. Meaning he would still be alive. Why would someone fake their
death? Well maybe one reason would be all the pressure from everyone,
and jerks that accuse you of child molestation. I really don't know, I
think if Michael was still alive that would be cool, but what about
the other millions of people who were heartbroken?? Would they turn
against him? Really I don't know. Michael, if you are still alive and
you read this, you were so right your ex manager is a total creep/
jerk/ asshole haha, good idea on firing him!

Anyways, I'm on the fence about his death. If for some reason he faked
his death and comes out about it, truely I wouldn't be upset at all! I
would be shocked, but not mad. A part of me knows where he would come
from. Like you are just so stressed out you wish you could just vanish
for awhile!! BAM!


Old people.

This old person blog is dedicated to a special old person I know,
grandma jean. Usually when you think old person a certain vision pops
into your head. Slow drivers, mean, smelly, ect. Not grandma jean! She
is awesome! Smart, not smelly, funny, and just everything you would
want in a grandma! I wish I would of been old enough to remember
grandma janatsch, but I guess I will get to meet her in about 99 years
haha. Fact of the matter is, love your grandparents and try to spend
as much time as you can with them. Because before you know it, they
will be gone!


A lot going on!

Wow where to start? Let's start with mobile blogging... My posts are
so long, they don't work from regular SMS which means I have to email
them! Just figured this out this morning! Bam got that out of the way.
Late night posts are the worst because you want to put closure on the
day, but you just have so much to say, you are limited by how fast
your thumbs can type! Here is something that bugs me, crazy idiot
people. They are all around! Seriously! 27/7, in class, at work, every
freekin where! It's like a 2 tiered cake for me, it drives me crazy
and it also makes me laugh because I know I'm not crazy! I mean come
on, you have a bleached fo-hawk with a fake leather jacket and the
gayest of gay glasses. Yes, this is my nightmare! Haha just kidding,
but really I do play it that high. As mean as this sounds, crazy
people shouldn't be allowed to leave the house. Same with jerk old
people! Do I hear monthly driver tests?

Next on the list. Snow lepoard. Yeah, it comes out on Friday!! I pre
ordered a copy for myself and Apple promised it would arrive on my
doorstep Friday! Is it worth calling in sick? No not really, but I am
pretty excited about it coming! It's like my first os upgrade! I feel
really confident with lepoard now so it's like their switching it up
on everyone haha. Which is cool because I'm excited to see the new
features they are bringing out, bu what I hear is it's like lepoard
(current version) is like a flat black hot rod. Perfect on the inside,
but it's not a 5 layer clear coat. Snow lepoard is just like lepoard
but has a nice sick paint job with lots of chrome and awesome flames!
Don't quote me on that, because that's just what I heard! Personally I
think it is going to be totally awesome!! I wonder if you work for
apple, you get it Thursday night?? Who knows!

What's next? Oh! I'm working on my flickr photography album. What does
that mean? Pretty much when you go to you will see
a photography portfolio link on the sidebar. Click it. Then that will
take you to my online photography portfolio! Check back in a few weeks
or so and it will be mostly black and whites! For class we have to buy
8 rolls of black and white film and some kind of paper? Don't know
why, but hey that's why I'm taking the class, so I can be super good
(even more than I already am) at photography! One problem is, they
went to digital for a reason! Digital is sooooo sweet haha. I'll shoot

Whatelse... That episode of jon and Kate plus 8 is on where they go to
the snow and everyone in the plane looses it! Haha ok, really $40,000
an episode? Sign me up! I'll cry on tv for that much haha.

Ok the advil has kicked in and it's time to go to sleep! If you've
read all this awesome!


-"Lay me to rest, I've done my best." Scarlett letters,

Monday, August 24, 2009

Have you ever watched the show shark tank? Wow it's stupid as hell!
Pretty much the point of the show is 5 "millionaires" sit their
looking for new companies to invest in. Cool. But the problem is they
are total asshole cock sucking jerks! They are so dang mean! Like ohhh
your company isn't big enough. No shit they are just trying to start
up! They are just such jerks, and it seems like they are trying to go
out of their way to make people feel like shit! Like oh were sharks,
we are so cool. At one point in time they were a small business too! I
believe in the whole do onto others as you would like to be onto'd
your self! So pretty much their going to hell haha.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ok here's what I don't understand, windows commercials!! Picture this, your sitting at home on your day off watching your favorite show (nitro circus) and those stupid if you find it you keep it commercials keep coming on!! You know the ones at best buy? They are SO stupid, and it seems like they only have like 4 too.. And they jus keep playing over and over again! This one kid wants to buy a laptop for gaming. Ok, we all know mac's are about doing work not lame stuff. First of all, why would you want a laptop for gaming?? Get a real computer, not a laptop, and what kind of 7 year old is way into gaming? Do I hear 40 year old virgin? You know what my favorite game is on mac? Photoshop because I make stuff! Not just waste my time playing counter strike! Anyways, if windows really wants to be better than Apple, ( not going to happen btw) make better program's, and better computers!!


First post! This blog is pretty much just things that bug me, not things that will get the most views on my other site, on or off blog. Anyways, here is one thing that bugs me. One of the most popular blogs on blogspot, diary of a cheapskate mom. Man who cares about a mom who is cheap??! I sure don't! She is probably super up tight, and is mean to her kids! I'm suprised she even has the Internet because thats expensive too! So really, what is even the point? Like oh yeah your so cool because your cheap! Help support the economy and spend some money yo!
