Thursday, August 27, 2009


Yo here's what's been going down! I got an email today saying there
has been invalid clicks on my google adsense account. So pretty much
the $60 I made is all gone! Dang it! So if anyone else wants to run
ads on my site (for free) just let me know, because if google doesn't
take my letter I sent to them, I'll never be able to run google ads
ever again! With that said, hello adbrite! Don't mess with google!
Google = the man. Pretty much. Word on the Internet is adbrite is a
little bit nicer than google, which in this world nicer is way better!

Speaking of being mean, when I wrote that letter to google, they asked
for my publisher ID, well shoot I don't know that! So they had a help
thing to find it, well my account is blocked so I could never find it!
So I wrote couldn't find it my account is blocked!

Live free, die hard!


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