supposedly shows Michael Jackson jumping out of the back of a cororner
van. Meaning he would still be alive. Why would someone fake their
death? Well maybe one reason would be all the pressure from everyone,
and jerks that accuse you of child molestation. I really don't know, I
think if Michael was still alive that would be cool, but what about
the other millions of people who were heartbroken?? Would they turn
against him? Really I don't know. Michael, if you are still alive and
you read this, you were so right your ex manager is a total creep/
jerk/ asshole haha, good idea on firing him!
Anyways, I'm on the fence about his death. If for some reason he faked
his death and comes out about it, truely I wouldn't be upset at all! I
would be shocked, but not mad. A part of me knows where he would come
from. Like you are just so stressed out you wish you could just vanish
for awhile!! BAM!
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