Monday, August 31, 2009


Talk about a sensative subject! I just saw a commercial talking about
how people are preparing for the worst. Are you a half life player?
The commercial gave me the feeling like I was playing that game.
Really! It was like uhhh is this for real?? But what do you think? Do
you think the world is going to end in 3 or so years? I really can't
say if I do or not! If anything does happen humans will just adapt to
it! I don't want to offend anyone but could the myan calander just
stop because they died off?? Anyways tell me what you think in a

I do want to go back to Yosemite to take some sick photos!!


Chevy cars

I don't own any Chevys. And with that said I don't think I would ever
want to own any!! My girl friends dad just recently bought a 2010
Malibu. I can't tell you how many times it has been in the shop! I
really don't know what for, but it's still in the shop haha. A new car
shouldn't be in the shop, plain and simple!



Hey on my other site I post pictures that I take that are pretty dang interesting!  If you want to see them go here.. ON OF OFF Here is just a little preview
I can't give you the whole thing!  Check it out for yourself!



Here is my question to you.. What kind of tool goes to a Katy Perry concert and doesn't take any photos??  What's the point of even bringing a camera?  HAHA!  If your name is Libby and you are reading this, YOU ARE A TOOL!  Take some photos when you go to a concert!




Ashton kutcher tweeted something yesterday saying I hope that rumor
about perez isn't true. Well what is the rumor???I sure as heck want
to know haha. So I googled it and somehow it came up with that, some
MAN is carrying his baby around... Like in his body. Creepy! Then
another one said that lady gaga is a guy and gaga and perez are in a
relationship. Really random as well!

I want to know what the real rumor is, and once I find out I sure as
heck will post it on here!!



Yo yo yo. A few weeks ago I made a video talking about MY opinions on
the show whale wars. But of course like everyone on YouTube they had
to get their panties in a bunch! For some reason they think that the
people on the show are doing a great job, and their tatics are working
out great. Well let's face it, their not! Let's see, what season are
we on now... Number 2 or 3? You would think if it was working as great
as they say the show would be over in one season..... Unless wait no,
they ( the whale savers ) are doing it for the money??!? Heavens no!

They waste the whales meat like crazy. Great tatic! Now the japaneese
whalers will just have to kill more to make up for the meat they
tainted. SMART!

On one preview of the show they were all. Ohhhh I can't believe they
killed a whale in front of us! Well yeah you tool because they don't
care about you, or your cry baby captian!

Moral of they story, if your going to change something do it 100% not


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Website logos

Once we get Internet back, ( it's down ) all my sites will have custom
headers that I have made. Want one for your site? Just send an email
to and let me know what you want! On Wednesday
night my photo teacher showed us a picture a guy took that is one of
his examples of death, and it really is interesting! So with that
said, I want to re create it later haha. Yes, in the photo world it is
called re creating, not copying!

If you are like me and this weather is killing you, go to wal mart and
pick up the wind master 3300!!! Let me tell you, it's extremely cool!
( pun intended ) I don't know how I ever survived without one haha.
Now the question is, where do I store it in the winter? Haha we will
soon find out!!


Thursday, August 27, 2009


Yo here's what's been going down! I got an email today saying there
has been invalid clicks on my google adsense account. So pretty much
the $60 I made is all gone! Dang it! So if anyone else wants to run
ads on my site (for free) just let me know, because if google doesn't
take my letter I sent to them, I'll never be able to run google ads
ever again! With that said, hello adbrite! Don't mess with google!
Google = the man. Pretty much. Word on the Internet is adbrite is a
little bit nicer than google, which in this world nicer is way better!

Speaking of being mean, when I wrote that letter to google, they asked
for my publisher ID, well shoot I don't know that! So they had a help
thing to find it, well my account is blocked so I could never find it!
So I wrote couldn't find it my account is blocked!

Live free, die hard!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Plastic surgery

While I am making coffee for my early early hours in the morning, my
parents are watching a show on people who are addicted to plastic
surgery! Wow, disgusting! Ok so there is good plastic surgery and bad
plastic surgery. Good PS would be like.... Kate Gosselin, 6 kids,
flabby stomach, the doctor fixed it up. Bad PS would be people who are
extremely addicted to it and look like aliens!! One lady on the show
wanted her butt to be bigger! So the doctor injected her butt with
fat. Literally! What else is really disgusting is that they showed
everything on tv. I have seen a man in half stuffing his guts back
into his chest, but I sure as heck don't want to see some lady get fat
injected into her butt!! Have you ever injected meat with the syringe?
Yes, that is exactly it!! ( make throw up face now )

On a lighter more interesting note, if you are vegan and a
photographer then you are a hypocrite! Well, if you shoot film
photography! Why? Well because when they develop your film the
emulsion is made out of cattle ears, and hoofs, and their not allowed
to eat any mustard because it messes up the developmet process. When I
heard that it cracked me up! One because I'm sure vegan photographer
don't know that hahah, and two well I don't know haha. But share a
laugh with me! Hahahahahahahahhaahahahhahahaha!

If god didn't want us to eat animals he wouldn't of made them out of


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Michael Jackson

Ok so on my other blog, I posted a video that
supposedly shows Michael Jackson jumping out of the back of a cororner
van. Meaning he would still be alive. Why would someone fake their
death? Well maybe one reason would be all the pressure from everyone,
and jerks that accuse you of child molestation. I really don't know, I
think if Michael was still alive that would be cool, but what about
the other millions of people who were heartbroken?? Would they turn
against him? Really I don't know. Michael, if you are still alive and
you read this, you were so right your ex manager is a total creep/
jerk/ asshole haha, good idea on firing him!

Anyways, I'm on the fence about his death. If for some reason he faked
his death and comes out about it, truely I wouldn't be upset at all! I
would be shocked, but not mad. A part of me knows where he would come
from. Like you are just so stressed out you wish you could just vanish
for awhile!! BAM!


Old people.

This old person blog is dedicated to a special old person I know,
grandma jean. Usually when you think old person a certain vision pops
into your head. Slow drivers, mean, smelly, ect. Not grandma jean! She
is awesome! Smart, not smelly, funny, and just everything you would
want in a grandma! I wish I would of been old enough to remember
grandma janatsch, but I guess I will get to meet her in about 99 years
haha. Fact of the matter is, love your grandparents and try to spend
as much time as you can with them. Because before you know it, they
will be gone!


A lot going on!

Wow where to start? Let's start with mobile blogging... My posts are
so long, they don't work from regular SMS which means I have to email
them! Just figured this out this morning! Bam got that out of the way.
Late night posts are the worst because you want to put closure on the
day, but you just have so much to say, you are limited by how fast
your thumbs can type! Here is something that bugs me, crazy idiot
people. They are all around! Seriously! 27/7, in class, at work, every
freekin where! It's like a 2 tiered cake for me, it drives me crazy
and it also makes me laugh because I know I'm not crazy! I mean come
on, you have a bleached fo-hawk with a fake leather jacket and the
gayest of gay glasses. Yes, this is my nightmare! Haha just kidding,
but really I do play it that high. As mean as this sounds, crazy
people shouldn't be allowed to leave the house. Same with jerk old
people! Do I hear monthly driver tests?

Next on the list. Snow lepoard. Yeah, it comes out on Friday!! I pre
ordered a copy for myself and Apple promised it would arrive on my
doorstep Friday! Is it worth calling in sick? No not really, but I am
pretty excited about it coming! It's like my first os upgrade! I feel
really confident with lepoard now so it's like their switching it up
on everyone haha. Which is cool because I'm excited to see the new
features they are bringing out, bu what I hear is it's like lepoard
(current version) is like a flat black hot rod. Perfect on the inside,
but it's not a 5 layer clear coat. Snow lepoard is just like lepoard
but has a nice sick paint job with lots of chrome and awesome flames!
Don't quote me on that, because that's just what I heard! Personally I
think it is going to be totally awesome!! I wonder if you work for
apple, you get it Thursday night?? Who knows!

What's next? Oh! I'm working on my flickr photography album. What does
that mean? Pretty much when you go to you will see
a photography portfolio link on the sidebar. Click it. Then that will
take you to my online photography portfolio! Check back in a few weeks
or so and it will be mostly black and whites! For class we have to buy
8 rolls of black and white film and some kind of paper? Don't know
why, but hey that's why I'm taking the class, so I can be super good
(even more than I already am) at photography! One problem is, they
went to digital for a reason! Digital is sooooo sweet haha. I'll shoot

Whatelse... That episode of jon and Kate plus 8 is on where they go to
the snow and everyone in the plane looses it! Haha ok, really $40,000
an episode? Sign me up! I'll cry on tv for that much haha.

Ok the advil has kicked in and it's time to go to sleep! If you've
read all this awesome!


-"Lay me to rest, I've done my best." Scarlett letters,

Monday, August 24, 2009

Have you ever watched the show shark tank? Wow it's stupid as hell!
Pretty much the point of the show is 5 "millionaires" sit their
looking for new companies to invest in. Cool. But the problem is they
are total asshole cock sucking jerks! They are so dang mean! Like ohhh
your company isn't big enough. No shit they are just trying to start
up! They are just such jerks, and it seems like they are trying to go
out of their way to make people feel like shit! Like oh were sharks,
we are so cool. At one point in time they were a small business too! I
believe in the whole do onto others as you would like to be onto'd
your self! So pretty much their going to hell haha.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ok here's what I don't understand, windows commercials!! Picture this, your sitting at home on your day off watching your favorite show (nitro circus) and those stupid if you find it you keep it commercials keep coming on!! You know the ones at best buy? They are SO stupid, and it seems like they only have like 4 too.. And they jus keep playing over and over again! This one kid wants to buy a laptop for gaming. Ok, we all know mac's are about doing work not lame stuff. First of all, why would you want a laptop for gaming?? Get a real computer, not a laptop, and what kind of 7 year old is way into gaming? Do I hear 40 year old virgin? You know what my favorite game is on mac? Photoshop because I make stuff! Not just waste my time playing counter strike! Anyways, if windows really wants to be better than Apple, ( not going to happen btw) make better program's, and better computers!!


First post! This blog is pretty much just things that bug me, not things that will get the most views on my other site, on or off blog. Anyways, here is one thing that bugs me. One of the most popular blogs on blogspot, diary of a cheapskate mom. Man who cares about a mom who is cheap??! I sure don't! She is probably super up tight, and is mean to her kids! I'm suprised she even has the Internet because thats expensive too! So really, what is even the point? Like oh yeah your so cool because your cheap! Help support the economy and spend some money yo!
