Okay. I've had a lot of celebrity crushes over the years. From Kate gosselin to Megan fox and even Tina fey! I have a new one. I don't know her name off hand but she is a singer. The lead singer of a band, and that band is called La Roux!
She's super hot!! I would highly suggest googling her right now! Oh yeah. Sorry for not updating this site very much. I highly doubt anyone reads this, but if you do point your browser over towards www.onoroffblog.com right now! I update that site all the time! It's quite awesome!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Has it been a month? Wow Im pretty sure it has. No wait! 2 months! Wowwowwewo!
Hey hi hello how are you?
I'm pretty great, so stoked that school is finally over for that semester. You know what comes out tomorrow? The new iPhone!!!!!!! Well not come out come out, but it gets released and yes I'm pre ordering it! Booooyaaaa. I'm pretty excited for tomorrow, I love watching the live video keynote, live blog feeds during the events. It's pretty fun to join in on the SoliderKnowsBest ustream chat too. When do you think the new iPhone is going to come out? Probably in a few weeks I betcha. Just enough to sell my plane and then pay for the new iPhone haha.
Oh yeah. I moved the blog over to MobileMe. Why? There is just more control over there, and plus I got a year long subscription so it shall be awesome! Don't look now because you won't find anything. But look in a week or so I guess. I'll post a blog saying what's new and updated. I really don't think anyone looks at this if you want the honest truth.
Anyways, I can't believe me and Elizabeth have been dating for 2 months now! Crazy how fast time flies!
I'm starving. Let's get some panda!
-- Post From My iPad
Hey hi hello how are you?
I'm pretty great, so stoked that school is finally over for that semester. You know what comes out tomorrow? The new iPhone!!!!!!! Well not come out come out, but it gets released and yes I'm pre ordering it! Booooyaaaa. I'm pretty excited for tomorrow, I love watching the live video keynote, live blog feeds during the events. It's pretty fun to join in on the SoliderKnowsBest ustream chat too. When do you think the new iPhone is going to come out? Probably in a few weeks I betcha. Just enough to sell my plane and then pay for the new iPhone haha.
Oh yeah. I moved the blog over to MobileMe. Why? There is just more control over there, and plus I got a year long subscription so it shall be awesome! Don't look now because you won't find anything. But look in a week or so I guess. I'll post a blog saying what's new and updated. I really don't think anyone looks at this if you want the honest truth.
Anyways, I can't believe me and Elizabeth have been dating for 2 months now! Crazy how fast time flies!
I'm starving. Let's get some panda!
-- Post From My iPad
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Bad investments!
Okay in hindsight I'm glad the total investment spent was only like $23.00 tops. Not to bad. Now I know where the phrase DTA comes in to play. Don't Trust Anyone. I'm pretty sure that goes without said. Not the best idea to get into business ideas with flakes, plus the weird thing is there was talks of person b wanting to be a business major or something like that. Safe to say if you can't meet that person face to face, their not the best person to do business with.
The number of days left are getting lower :(
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I want to make this a quick one. (that's what she said)
Anyways. I feel bad for people that are falsely acused for anything! #jusssayin! So really. Don't be an asshole, bitch, jerk, anything negative. Be positive!
Anyways. I feel bad for people that are falsely acused for anything! #jusssayin! So really. Don't be an asshole, bitch, jerk, anything negative. Be positive!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Ok I need your help viewers! How do you tell someone you love that you really don't want to hang out with them because they have strep throat? It's not that their boring or anything I just don't want to get strep! Is that too much to ask haha. I don't want to sound selfish, that doesn't sound selfish does it? Haha no! But really. I need your help! Leave a comment below suggesting something!! Do you say it in a joking way, or a nice way?
Maybe I'll say it in a joking way. Maybe I'll just ask it on soul pancake! But really, leave it in a comment below :)
Maybe I'll say it in a joking way. Maybe I'll just ask it on soul pancake! But really, leave it in a comment below :)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Yeah right!
"It's probably going to take a year to two years for them to get to the same functionality as the iPad," Hilwa stated.
I'm sorry, no android based anything will ever be as good as any apple product! Apple is king!!!! Have you ever played with a droid? The keys suck, and they are just knock off iPhones really. People who have them love to say how great they are but really they are just lying to themselves. The phones suck. I do know one person who hates his droid! I get texts all the time saying how he wished he had an iPhone.
Their the best!
Wake up and smell the apples! Apple is here to stay forever and isn't going ANYWHERE! I feel like I'm Dwight from that episode "Dwights speech" "Count your blessings from the motherland!!!!!!" What am I saying haha.
So yeah check out my main site. It got a brand F$&@%#¥ new makeover and it looks pretty forward! You can look at recent photos of events I have taken, and read my new blog. Blog 2.0 as we like to call it! I'm pretty stoked on it :) so yeah happy Tuesday, Wednesday somewhere!
If this blog post is all over the place well I've just drank a monster! Hey no one reads it anyways lol.
I'm sorry, no android based anything will ever be as good as any apple product! Apple is king!!!! Have you ever played with a droid? The keys suck, and they are just knock off iPhones really. People who have them love to say how great they are but really they are just lying to themselves. The phones suck. I do know one person who hates his droid! I get texts all the time saying how he wished he had an iPhone.
Their the best!
Wake up and smell the apples! Apple is here to stay forever and isn't going ANYWHERE! I feel like I'm Dwight from that episode "Dwights speech" "Count your blessings from the motherland!!!!!!" What am I saying haha.
So yeah check out my main site. It got a brand F$&@%#¥ new makeover and it looks pretty forward! You can look at recent photos of events I have taken, and read my new blog. Blog 2.0 as we like to call it! I'm pretty stoked on it :) so yeah happy Tuesday, Wednesday somewhere!
If this blog post is all over the place well I've just drank a monster! Hey no one reads it anyways lol.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Mothers day!
Friday, May 7, 2010
The future
I finally found someone I care so
much about but at this part in my life is when people go so many different ways (not sexuall) that it seems like a long distance relationship is pretty saddening.
Shit again.
I have so much to say haha but it's hard to say it! Ok. So my girlfriend is transfering down south next semester and I'm not. Why? Because I'm staying here to go to the EMT academy and the fire academy, which is gonna take like a year to complete! Which really isn't that bad of thing, I'll just miss her a whole lot. Then! Instead of moving down there, I was told I should do the hot shots or get on some seasonal hand crew over the summer so that will help me get into a fire station even easier.
I don't know. It just feels like we're going so many different ways that it seems hard. I want to stay in a relationship with her no doubt! But I have never been in a long distance relationship like this before. Skype can only be so personal and romantic ya know? I don't know. I wish I could see how this all plays out but as of now I'm pretty sad about all of it.
Until the next time!!
I finally found someone I care so
much about but at this part in my life is when people go so many different ways (not sexuall) that it seems like a long distance relationship is pretty saddening.
Shit again.
I have so much to say haha but it's hard to say it! Ok. So my girlfriend is transfering down south next semester and I'm not. Why? Because I'm staying here to go to the EMT academy and the fire academy, which is gonna take like a year to complete! Which really isn't that bad of thing, I'll just miss her a whole lot. Then! Instead of moving down there, I was told I should do the hot shots or get on some seasonal hand crew over the summer so that will help me get into a fire station even easier.
I don't know. It just feels like we're going so many different ways that it seems hard. I want to stay in a relationship with her no doubt! But I have never been in a long distance relationship like this before. Skype can only be so personal and romantic ya know? I don't know. I wish I could see how this all plays out but as of now I'm pretty sad about all of it.
Until the next time!!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Hurt shoulder!
Yeah that's right my shoulder hurts so freekin bad! I don't know what I did to it haha. But I can barley move it! Let's talk about. Let's talk about. Let's talk about my tint! No. Let's just talk about my truck! Yeah I got my own! What's sick about that? Let's see, that no one knows what I drive! No one except my celebrity friends that is haha. Which is also why my windows are murdered out. I don't want people to know who I am! Honestly if you don't know what I drive and what I'm up to, then your probably pretty lame, and you don't know what Twitter is haha. But really, I'm moving forward! Leaving this place. I love MY town but it's time to breakout.
Does it seem like some people never change? Like their still stuck in the same routine haha. Same problems, same thing for lunch, same attitude, same everything! I see this everyday haha. It's crazy. I feel bad for them, but then again I don't. Who cares if your a troll and you get suprise butt secks all the time. Your never gonna go anywhere in life so you might as well just move over haha.
Random but I just remembered I didn't put a new monster in the fridge! #damnit
Keep progressing!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Tint tint tint tint

Wow what a day! I don't even know where to start haha. Today's scooter ride was pretty awesome! Let me tell you, they are always awesome! I made a new vlog today too.. It's uploading right now!!! It's pretty good haha, it has a lot of that cut splice vlog stuff which is the latest trend now I guess.
Have you ever ran into an ex and it was super awkward?! I did. Tonight. It was pretty awkward haha. Like at first I didn't realize who she was at first and then I'm like oh hey it's (name goes here) and she gave me that "OMG I hate you, go to hell" look. And it's like what the heck, we only dated for like 2 weeks, it's not like we were married!! I don't know why I'm so good looking or what haha. For lack of the better words, when you see my face it gives you hell haha.
I didn't talk about it in my vlog. But go watch it. I'm exhausted. I can't text.
OH!!!! You know what I love about Elizabeth?! The fact I can hang out with my friends whenever, and the fact that if she wants to hangout too it's not even a big deal because she gets along with everyone!!
Stay gold!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
So here's whats up. My window tinting skills are coming up! It's getting pretty good haha. I never knew how fancy I could get with it! In all honesty, I can't see out of my windows haha. Scary much? No not really, just gotta be more careful. I am pretty thankful though, over all these years learning new trades and skills! On another note, it's hotter than a bitch in my room! Like really, who turned the heater on??!
Back to what I was saying...
Learning skills is so handy! Why pay someone to tint your windows when you can do it yourself! Am I a pro? No not at all, but pretty dang close I think. I don't want to sound super cocky but I do a good enough job that I please myself! I'm really happy with how my truck and @KnarleySkimmer's turned out. Like really happy! Plus, who cares if their totally illegal and you can't see inside of them haha. I don't! But really, I gotta roll with the windows rolled down now so I don't get a ticket. Now your thinking, what the heck why do it in the first place?! Well because it looks super awesome! I don't know, I'm just pretty happy about it haha. The next car we tint, we gotta make a VLOG about it! YEAH! Let's vlog everything!
Ok I'm out of things to talk about! It's 1:47AM, today I've been dating my awesome/wonderful girlfriend Elizabeth for a month, and I need a frosty bev to celebrate!
Stay golden!
Saturday, May 1, 2010

I think prom is tonight? Yeah that's for sure. Not for me, HA if it was I'd never go. That's for sure! Like honestly what a joke it is! This is my take on it.
Let me spend all day getting ready and spend all this money getting myself ready, then to be a total bitch to you the whole night and complain.
Haha am I right? Okay maybe some people had a better time? Not me haha. I should have done what my best bro Sven did and just not go haha. Anyways, it's retarded because I'm stuck cleaning, Refugio is most likely going off today, and I would love to hang out with Elizabeth!
Got Bent Twig playing in the headphones right now. So chill! Deff google them right now haha. No. Google - on or off blog bent twig - just like that! It has a link to my main site, with a free download of their WHOLE CD!!!!! Talk about awesome. Your welcome!
Have a great Saturday! I know I will, if you know what I mean ;)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
First of all.. What do you think about the new top page? Yeah that's my truck! Sick huh? I love it, but it needs bigger tires haha and a LOUDER exhaust!!
I think I'm like everyone else and I over react on stupid things. Like getting an 82 out of 100 on my poli sci project. Should I have really yelled WHAT THE FUCK after I walked out the door? No probably not, but that's how I totally felt! I got a lot of weird looks from that one haha. Like why is that quite Apple guy yelling? But really not getting a 100% was pretty stupid! I mean come on, I totally worked super hard on it! I even bought a brand new HP printer. Gosh. I worked really hard on that bad boy! (That's what she said!)
Have you ever worked super hard on something and then not got what you thought you should deserve? I don't know about you, but I think the teacher is biased towards me! Like look at this kid, taking notes in my class with his brand new iPad, comes to class and dates the hottest girl ever, and is always happy. Yeah I could understand the angst towards me, but why don't my other teachers have it? I really don't know if you want the truth! Today was going super great too! I was going to give my girlfriend a calculator for her math test and saw this one girl who's car broke down. To make a long story short I ended up pulling her car to her house with my truck and her mom paid me for it. Totally sick! I honestly didn't do it for the money, I just have personally been in that same place where your car breaks down and everyone just laughs at you. Then I did that, mowed my neighbors lawn and that's where it went south. She didn't like the fact that I went to Hawaii and missed out on a week of mowing. Even though I totally told her about it! Then I got some Carls Jr and it wasn't very great.... Then the check engine soon light came on again in my truck, but I totally knew it was the EGR valve because for some reason the top part just doesn't want to stay on! Easy fix non the less..
I don't know, usually people have on or off days but it seems like I have it all in the same day! Dang karma you are a bitch! I hope tomorrow goes well... I can't deal with more depression haha. I'm not depressed just bummed? I felt so great earlier today! Oh yeah who knew you can't carry your dog into the village market like a baby? I have seen people just let their dogs just run wild in there before and I guarantee they haven't said anything to them. That bitch must have been having a bad day! Fact of the matter is, lets boycott the village market!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't speak for SCOOT805 without consulting my business partner, but ON OR OFF BLOG and this blog do not support going there! They are super dog UNfriendly! Do you love your dog like me? THEN DON'T GO THERE! I just think it's stupid to finally say something after I'm leaving and have bought something. Talk about shit customer service!
Ok I'm out of things to talk about! Have you seen the new Flip cameras? TOTALLY SICK! I want one! But I need bigger tires for my truck. I hope camping works out this weekend!
Stay positive : )
Monday, April 26, 2010
Diaster date!!

Have you ever seen this show haha. It's a crack up! How about diaster relationship? Yeah.. We've all had those haha.
It was such a nice day today I wish/shoulda been at the beach! This blog is gonna be pretty random lol. I miss my girlfriend. As lame as that sounds we haven't hung out in 2 days. When she moves it's gonna be a lot longer, talk about no fun! I'm so excited to get my life rolling. Where should I move? Some where fun haha right next to the ocean. I was totally thinking morro bay! How sick would that be?? Maybe down south a little bit haha. I don't know, but it has to be close to the ocean with a good place to surf, offroad, and have a good time!
I totally need to run later this night too. As if losing 28 pounds wasn't enough! Dayum.
"I want to be a billionaire so F$&@%#£ bad"
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Rainy rain rain

This is probably my favorite blog to blog on. I feel like I can say whatever I want and millions of people I don't know read it and laugh a lot. I post on 3 different blogs these days. I haven't even posted on my main blog in awhile! I haven't made a vlog for it so that's why there hasn't been any new posts haha. Oh well I don't even look at the stats anymore. If people wanna read it then they'll read it! Well in this case watch it haha. Vlogs are fun to make a do so that's mainly what I do nowadays. Chelsea lately is on. Gotta split!

Woo today is a double blog post. Why? Because I have something interesting to say haha duh and it's my blog, I can say whatever I want! So before I left for Hawaii my awesome girlfriend waxed my chest for me. Which hurt like a bitch! Anyways, it said it would last for 8 weeks before the hair started growing back, which they were totally wrong when they wrote that statement! It started growing back the next day!!!!! How lame! So tonight I decided to nair it just to keep it clean, and blood started running down my chest! Weird? I think so! Does my body hate it or what haha. I just felt like I had to share that because of how random it was. I hope it stops. I gotta get those waxing strips that you just rub together so there isn't any hot wax involved. I'll get those sometime soon. Hopefully I get more hours at work.
I gotta pee.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Still bummer.
Okay what's the deal? I think I'm too into doing things myself to rely on other peope to do things for me. Talk about lame. Were trying to get these stickers made up for our scooter club and it's being a pain. The stickers were supposed to be done today but the logo I sent them was way to small. Ok no worries. Then they emailed me later today asking me to come in and check out what they can do. No big deal either. Problem is, the font is way to small and their machine would screw it up. So I ended up going with the most cost effective design. But really I could have done it myself and done it on my computer with my printer. Next go round, were doing it all in house. No need to worry about other people and their input. Okay short blog for today.
Keep it real.
Keep it real.
Clean sheets!
What if in life it was just as easy to wash away all the negative things just as easy as it was to wash your sheets? Yeah yeah, that's called a shower! But that only washes away all the stuff on top! What about the insides?
Okay. I'm fine:) I'm at an all time high! I did wash my sheets today, and let me tell you, they were pretty nasty haha. They didn't smell but were still kinda gross! It's super hot today too like 100000 degrees!
Whatelse. Our scooter gang club ridding group thingy is really coming along haha. We're getting stickers made up today, and got a website put up so now we just need shirts and more members! I cleaned the scooter today with that green earth cleaner and it worked so well! I was super happy with the outcome of it. I would recommend it when you clean anything! Being your scooter, car, house, whatever! It works magic, and it's good for the world:)
Scooter website!

Check it out and tell me what you think!!
Okay. I'm fine:) I'm at an all time high! I did wash my sheets today, and let me tell you, they were pretty nasty haha. They didn't smell but were still kinda gross! It's super hot today too like 100000 degrees!
Whatelse. Our scooter gang club ridding group thingy is really coming along haha. We're getting stickers made up today, and got a website put up so now we just need shirts and more members! I cleaned the scooter today with that green earth cleaner and it worked so well! I was super happy with the outcome of it. I would recommend it when you clean anything! Being your scooter, car, house, whatever! It works magic, and it's good for the world:)
Scooter website!

Check it out and tell me what you think!!
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Oh hey hello what's up?
Didn't see you at today's tea party. Or did I? Who knows. Shit I don't know who reads this blog
Haha. I know that scared people search 2012 proof and my blog comes up! I read in one of my text books that most bloggers are extremely liberal. What do you think? Why did I start a blog? Am I some secret liberal?! No. Here's why I started a blog. I was looking for Jake browns clothing line LACED and came across this site called www.shockmansion.com and thought it was sick! That was the first blog I have ever came acrossed and knew I wanted to start my own! I found videos online that I thought were funny, and posted them. Then I decided to put my takes on current events and this and that, and got less and less hits on my site, so I went back to the videos.
But hey saying your opinion on different things is fun!
So that's where this site comes in. I don't care who reads this, or how many unique visitors it gets. It's for me to write whatever I want, and not care. I mean no one is telling you to read this.
Anyways, I'm tired, thirsty, and sleepy.
Don't steal my joke
First name Dixie. Last name normus.
Broken ipad!
I love my ipad more than anything. It's the best thing I have every bought. (you can't buy kids can you? Or can you? I have no idea) anyways! Why is the ipad something I always reach for when I'm angry and I just want to break the shit out of it?! I don't think I have anger issues, but when I'm mad I just want to break all the expensive things I love! Weird huh?
Like today, got into a huge argument with my parents (well my mom) and it was pretty bad. So i said say goodbye to the ipad because I'm gonna break it!
Thankfully, I didn't break it because I would be totally bummed but why do I go through the motion of breaking it? Like an out of body experience. I see myself breaking it, and then I stop myself from doing it. I don't even know what I'm saying haha.
Tea party. I really need extra credit in my political science class. So I'm going to a tea party tomorrow. Sick huh? Yeah, it's in Santa Maria. Park at bestbuy walmart and walk towards all those automotive dealers. Buy a car while your there! Anyways. It's some kind of rally, and I need extra credit, and want to make a video of my experience there incase i don't see my teacher. I don't know what TEA stands for because really I don't care but it's along the lines of were tired of being taxed so bring your plungers!
Go, check it out, look for me and @mysterycat4 vlogging.
Push hard, live life, keep on fighting!
I love my ipad more than anything. It's the best thing I have every bought. (you can't buy kids can you? Or can you? I have no idea) anyways! Why is the ipad something I always reach for when I'm angry and I just want to break the shit out of it?! I don't think I have anger issues, but when I'm mad I just want to break all the expensive things I love! Weird huh?
Like today, got into a huge argument with my parents (well my mom) and it was pretty bad. So i said say goodbye to the ipad because I'm gonna break it!
Thankfully, I didn't break it because I would be totally bummed but why do I go through the motion of breaking it? Like an out of body experience. I see myself breaking it, and then I stop myself from doing it. I don't even know what I'm saying haha.
Tea party. I really need extra credit in my political science class. So I'm going to a tea party tomorrow. Sick huh? Yeah, it's in Santa Maria. Park at bestbuy walmart and walk towards all those automotive dealers. Buy a car while your there! Anyways. It's some kind of rally, and I need extra credit, and want to make a video of my experience there incase i don't see my teacher. I don't know what TEA stands for because really I don't care but it's along the lines of were tired of being taxed so bring your plungers!
Go, check it out, look for me and @mysterycat4 vlogging.
Push hard, live life, keep on fighting!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
New video uploading!!!!!
Yes in fact as I write this a new video is being uploaded, cool huh? Almost as funny as the email I woke up to this morning. One of those your site has a new comment! emails I get when someone leaves a comment on a blog post. They pretty much told me how stupid I am for believe the world won't end on 2012 because the tuna doesn't expire till a year after. They obviously didn't see the joke, or the other comments saying it was a joke, and like everyone else they felt like that had to belittle me and spread their knowledge. What I think is funny is they post comments as anonymous. Personally I think that's pretty chicken shit of them to do. If your gonna troll on my blog post at least be brave enough to say who you are! Don't you think so?
Anyways, today's video is really vlog footage from today and yesterday. Takin good ol sparky for a walk and then going to get some pizza. Then all from today. If you watch my videos closely, I try and do that cut action like a lot of famous YouTubers do and yeah it's sick and all, but near the end of my videos I'm tired of doing it so there is a lot less haha. Maybe that's why most of them don't put out a video everyday. Except for CTFxC, they never fail to make a new video everyday haha. I'm a new subscriber to them and love what they do, but is that their job? Just making videos, or do they have jobs and just not show that part of it? If making videos on YouTube is their job, and they can support themselves by doing it, hey more power to them!!!!!!!!!! That makes me want to watch their videos even more!
Well shoot, I hope this blog post keeps you entertained for a little bit, and feel free to troll all over this because really it just makes me laugh out loud. I'm bringing the iPad to speech class tonight, I'm sure it will be a major hit!
Like Ray always says, keep on trollin!
-- Post From My iPad
Sunday, April 11, 2010
How sick is this?!
Whuuud up???? alright so your time it's 12:15AM and were flying home from Hawaii, our plane got overbooked and delta feels horrible. What does that mean to me? Finally being able to watch that movie avatar? Not paying too closely of attention to it but enough where I can still follow along. Looks pretty sick so far but I'm not sure what all the hype is. Do you?
What can I say about Hawaii? Let's start off with saying it was sick as F#$@!!!! I wish @Elizabeth could have been there, I'm sure she would have loved it.
I wish my iPhones gps worked up here because I would love to know how fast we are going!!!! My guess is at least 1000MPH. Not really though haha. Anyways I should probably watch this awesome free movie and stop ipaddin, but who could put this down? I got an exhaust system to install and a sweet girl named Elizabeth to kiss when get home.
-- Post From My iPad
Saturday, April 10, 2010
iTunes can you please lower the price of HD movies kthxbi. Yeah $20 chill dollars to get a movie and 4 gigs of my beautiful ipads space taken up. Thanks but no thanks! I feel gross today and I can't wait to go to class with my iPad and getting those OMG stares from people haha. I need to download one of those writing apps though which is another $10. Cut us a break apple haha. When does the new iPhone software come out.....?
-- Post From My iPad
-- Post From My iPad
Sweaty sweat sweat
Dang it's hot in here. Yeah gross huh?
Hey what's up it's max and I'm on the iPhone! It's like 9999999 degrees where I am and I hate it because it makes me super sweaty, which in a way is awesome because then it helps me loose more weight then I already have haha. Too bad it makes me break out, no not like that great foo fighters song! How was your day? Mine was good. I got tons of good vloggety vlog footage that is uploading right now! Right F#%£€@& now! Today's video makes me laugh. I'm getting a lot better and the whole stop edit meekakitty style of vlogging but hey it's hard!!
Tomorrow is gonna be a pain in the ass. It really is. I hate traveling. Finally going to see my cousin in Norway! Haven't seen that little dude in almost 5 years, crazy huh how time flies by right before your eyes?! What have you been up to? I always say hey leave a comment below or something like that but no one ever does! No worries, I know someone somewhere out there is reading this because hey the site says it gets views!
I just thought I would take a break from texting my girl friend 100 texts before she wakes up and write a blog post. The things I do huh? Haha no it's no big deal really because as EVERYONE knows, i love my iPhone and love getting every chance to use it haha.
Is there a limit on how many sleeping pills you can take at once? Norway is pretty far away lol and I'd love to be passed out for the whole ride there! Okay maybe just half of the flight so then the other half I can ipad! Duh ipad FTW!!
Speaking of FTW, along ass time ago I tried to start a clothing line called FTW tennis. I don't know if you can tell but it didn't take off haha. Here's were it went wrong. F$&@# tennis! It's all about racquet ball! Racquet ball is the shit!! I haven't played in a long time but it's still fun and way more physical than tennis I think.
Have I written enough for you to get your fill? Maybe I'll write something on the plane? Yeah that would be crazy lol. A super ass long post too!!
I'd say something in norwegian but I don't have all the right character keys. Sorry.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Did you know that the last post was the 100th post?! INSANE! Writing this blog isn't very fun when you type on a regular keyboard. Weird huh? I think I'm going to change it to Max's thoughts on his iphone haha.
I don't even know what to say! Have you seen the latest video? Here it is!
Cool huh? Yeah you probably don't really think so haha. Tell me what you think!
I don't even know what to say! Have you seen the latest video? Here it is!
Cool huh? Yeah you probably don't really think so haha. Tell me what you think!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
iPhone OS 4.0
So as most people know, today apple released the new iPhone software. Well not released it, but announced it to the public! Let me start off real quick, it looks completely awesome! That apple never fails to let us down! I don't want to turn this blog into a review and my thoughts and feelings about it, but it looks pretty stunning! I'll be honest though, I thought they were going to surprise us all and announce the new iPhone while they had everyone there. Why not ya know?! But they didn't which is all good, let my wallet fill up with cash again before the new iPhone comes out. I do need new tires (not really) for my truck though. Anyways, you know how I like to post a blog like late at night but I had to post one right after that apple event! Have a good day, keep on pushin hard!
-- Post From My iPad
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Bloggey blog blog blog

Hey, hello, what's up?
What a weird day has been temperature wise! We went from nice and comfortable to super sweaty then to super freezing in the rain! Weird huh? I enjoy it, because I live like the most awesome man in the world! Well because I am:)
Anyways, we had to hit up the univeristy of Hawaii today for a jacket or something like that... Sick huh? Too bad I didn't really plan on getting much of anything, until I saw iLife 09 and I'm like whoa whoa wewow and had to get it because the iLife on my laptop is outdated (like your mom). So now were super lost, lost as hell if you ask me and I can't wait to get back to the pad and install it, then edit the footage/photos from today!
Have you seen all the daily vlogs? There is like 4 of them and a video of just photos. Talk about neet! I like the videos, plus with the new iLife I'll be able to edit the videos like I can at home!
It's dang safe to say that I miss everyone back at home. I know I have been only been gone 5 days but i feel like I'm missing out on a lot, and that I miss everyone (said it again) thank god for making steve jobs, and thank steve jobs for making the iPhone because what would I do without it? I know your thinking, max come on dude technology is taking over your life! But really the iPhone is probably the one thing I couldn't live without, how could I update my Twitter and facebook?!?!? Really though, it's so handy when your lost as hell and need directions, or you want to see what the weather is doing, check the surf report, update your Twitter/facebook, and do everything else the iPhone can do! Just like the ipad!!
So yeah, check out my main bloggetty blog
Watch the daily vlog videos, comment, subscribe, tell everyone!
Catch ya on the flip, playa!
Sunburns and tan lines..
Ah deciding what would be better to post this with, the iPhone or ipad? Well I'm on the iPhone right now so I'll just continue with it!
I got too much sun today, let's just start this off with that! Talk about a bummer huh? And these beds are like extremely rock hard!!!! I'm taking sleeping pills just to fall asleep.
Ah holy crap. I have so much to blog about so it's gonna be kinda random. Deal. With. It.
Speaking if sleeping pills mine are slowly kicking in and my vision and everything is getting all whooopppppeeedooooooo.
Have you been keeping up with the daily videos I keep posting on my main site???
Oh golly ms. Molly! She responded to my comment on t
YouTube, how awesome is that??!!!
Ok I'm exhausted and am gonna stArt posting random stuff. Peace!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Is YouTube having problems?
I tried to upload a video this morning to just recap everything that happened yesterday and it uploaded fine and all but YouTube wouldn't process it! What the heck! Has anyone else been having this problem?
Well to start this day off, I woke up with a gnarly gnalry gnarly headace! Hungover? Naw I don't think so, probably super dehydrated! How have you been? Did you get the new ipad?!?!?! I got to hold one yesterday, it was kind of a big deal for me :)

Kind of like when peoples friends hold your baby for the first time, like they want to hold it but their scared their going to drop it ya know what I'm saying? Anyways! I have pretty much made up my mind that I NEED one :) and hope they have them at the store tomorrow! I want to ustream later tonight too, I think that would be pretty cool!
Until then!
Well to start this day off, I woke up with a gnarly gnalry gnarly headace! Hungover? Naw I don't think so, probably super dehydrated! How have you been? Did you get the new ipad?!?!?! I got to hold one yesterday, it was kind of a big deal for me :)

Kind of like when peoples friends hold your baby for the first time, like they want to hold it but their scared their going to drop it ya know what I'm saying? Anyways! I have pretty much made up my mind that I NEED one :) and hope they have them at the store tomorrow! I want to ustream later tonight too, I think that would be pretty cool!
Until then!
What a day!
Take a look at this photo..

Honestly, how sick is that?! Extremely!!!!! Then look what happened an hour later..

No my parents didn't buy me one, but some guy did let me hold his haha. To get one or not to get one?! Shit! Their what, $400? I have insurance to pay, and dates are fun/expensive and gas so maybe I'll wait on the whole buying of the ipad! I would love to have one though :) maybe if your willing to get me one???? Thank you very much! :)
Sleep easy mates! If tomorrow doesn't work out in my favor, it will be very long and not too fun!

Honestly, how sick is that?! Extremely!!!!! Then look what happened an hour later..

No my parents didn't buy me one, but some guy did let me hold his haha. To get one or not to get one?! Shit! Their what, $400? I have insurance to pay, and dates are fun/expensive and gas so maybe I'll wait on the whole buying of the ipad! I would love to have one though :) maybe if your willing to get me one???? Thank you very much! :)
Sleep easy mates! If tomorrow doesn't work out in my favor, it will be very long and not too fun!
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ok who is the WMG? I made this super sick video from yesterday and had some nice tunes to go with it and then they blocked all my audio! What the heck guys?! You could barley even hear the music too haha. I don't know, it makes me mad when they block the audio! It's like well of course I'm gonna use songs from my iTunes when I make the video in iMovie! What's your take on it? Stupid or am I stupid? Yeah I know they're stupid! I'm tired, and have only drank one locarb monster, and gotta take a monster monster crap haha. Have a good day y'all!

P.S I'm in a great relationship as of yesterday! No emotional bullshit, just greatness! : )
Friday, April 2, 2010

What even is a best friend? Wiki says...
Best Friend
Best Friend may refer to:
Best Friend, someone (singular) with whom one shares the strongest possible kind of friendship(s).
Best Friend of Charleston, an early railroad locomotive.
Interesting! Do you have a best friend? Are you positive they are? Well that's good, I don't have one! Haha oh well I'm not really complaining I just saw that photo and thought it would be cool to bring it up! Dang I'm tired! Got a huge day tomorrow at Morro! Shooting and vlogging and walking around! Sounds like a pretty interesting video if you ask me!
Oh yeah the waxing of the chest, looks like I have a huge rash now! (thanks @Elizabeth) (she's not on Twitter)
Anyways! Have a good weekend, do something awesome, make a video of it and post the link of it in the comment box below and then we'll repost it here!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Windshield wipers!?
You know what this blog post is going to remind me to do? Get new wipers! I was coming home from Santa Maria tonight and those things just weren't up to par! I think my truck got rainx'd though, which is pretty cool but it might be kinda old!
Today at work I got an email from someone saying they left a comment on a site I own that I haven't updated in forever! Let's talk about that site real quick. Ever heard of that site, stuff white people like? It has some real funny stuff on it if you ask me! Well I decided to make my own, stuff white people hate! You know, nothing serious, just a big joke. But then after I bought the domain name I realized hey! this might sound kinda racist... So I changed the name to just "stuff people hate." There is about only 5 posts I think... Well anyways here is my question! How did someone find it? I mean I don't share this site URL with anyone... Talk about weird huh? Maybe more people read this site on a daily basis! On my main site, blog, whatever you call it, there is a new vlog from yesterday so head on over there and take a look! Www.onoroffblog.com
It's pretty awesome, like a villa in Las Vegas!
Question: Why was Hellen Keller a bad driver?
Leave your answer in a comment below!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
What up! How are you? Good good, I'm great as well! Ohhhh shit, this thing hasn't been updated in FOREVER!! So so so so many things have changed in the past months, and you know what? Change is a great thing! It's not like I'm a totally different person ya know? Just better! Not like ohh I'm better than you better, just (kanye lyric) hard, faster, stronger, long, better haha.
Let's just take a quick run down of what's been going on in the past months. New classes, new computer, growing photography gigs, finally bought my own truck, new job, and you know what.. Too many things to list! Oh yeah I dropped 28 pounds! How sick is that? 28 dang pounds of fat not muscle! What I want to know is where does all the fat go haha. Real good question huh?
I've been pretty busy though, so busy that we or I had to add someone to the main blog to write a few blogs every now and them. Top bad he hasn't stepped up and written any, but really one day he will! We can't update from my house because our Internet is down for some weird reason! Hence the iPhone post haha.
What else?
Oh! Been making weekly daily monthly vlogs every now and then! One of my best bros stepbro is in most of them, and we teach him just random ass things haha. Like the first one was how to shoot a gun, and the second one was how to test drive cars, even though it was more of me test driving cars. Anyways check it out on the YouTube!
It's late! Keep on pushin, don't give up, _________________! (Fill in your own!)
Let's just take a quick run down of what's been going on in the past months. New classes, new computer, growing photography gigs, finally bought my own truck, new job, and you know what.. Too many things to list! Oh yeah I dropped 28 pounds! How sick is that? 28 dang pounds of fat not muscle! What I want to know is where does all the fat go haha. Real good question huh?
I've been pretty busy though, so busy that we or I had to add someone to the main blog to write a few blogs every now and them. Top bad he hasn't stepped up and written any, but really one day he will! We can't update from my house because our Internet is down for some weird reason! Hence the iPhone post haha.
What else?
Oh! Been making weekly daily monthly vlogs every now and then! One of my best bros stepbro is in most of them, and we teach him just random ass things haha. Like the first one was how to shoot a gun, and the second one was how to test drive cars, even though it was more of me test driving cars. Anyways check it out on the YouTube!
It's late! Keep on pushin, don't give up, _________________! (Fill in your own!)
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Tsunami warning.
Hey it's 12:10 PM so don't trip it's not a late night blog post haha. Anyways, as you may or may not heard, there was a huge earthquake in chili today? Or yesterday I'm not too sure. But that has issued a tsunami warning for us here in California!
Insane huh? Do you know how bad I want to go to the beach and check it out?! I'm like a junkie needing their drug of choice! How awesome would it be to see a gnarly wave coming straight at you? Don't worry, I have seen 10+ waves right here in my own backyard, and trust me it just looks like a huge wall of water!
But ohhhhh man I want to go! I'll bring the flip and record some!
Insane huh? Do you know how bad I want to go to the beach and check it out?! I'm like a junkie needing their drug of choice! How awesome would it be to see a gnarly wave coming straight at you? Don't worry, I have seen 10+ waves right here in my own backyard, and trust me it just looks like a huge wall of water!
But ohhhhh man I want to go! I'll bring the flip and record some!
Going places mentally.
Where to start? Let's start off with I hate those logger shows. I just don't get them. I respect their hard work, but damn they complain a lot!
Next. How do you describe this? It seems like people I'm close to take me to places I never thought i'd go mentally. Deep and dark places. Weird huh? One of the reasons I'm giving up social networking. Myspace, done. I'm still keeping the facebook but just not updating it. Twitter? Yeah the same as facebook.
I don't know, I'm just not a hipster! I want to do great things but everyone is just holding me back. It's time for change, not just minor change but major change. I sound like one of those dudes on the ITT tech commercials, but no I'm not going to go there haha.
It's just tough when EVERYONE you know has gotten cars bought for them, and at your $8.25 an hour job it's hard to buy a car. One, because you don't get very many hours. Two, because no matter how hard you try people keep coming up with reasons why you owe them money. Something is up with my parents and why they are against buying me a car... I honestly say they hold a grudge because they were never bought cars. They still think it's the 50's where it's unheard of that parents buy their kids cars. But take a good fucking look around, do you think all those kids bought their own cars? I highly doubt it.
I need a car, and one that doesn't cost $70 every 140 miles. It's tough. Life is tough.
I'm out of things to say. And I think I'm just rambling on haha. I gotta stop blogging so late in the night! I'm living out that movie office space! If they sell it at wal mart I'm going to buy it, because my stupid pants ripped and now I have to get new ones.... Is anywhere hiring?
Next. How do you describe this? It seems like people I'm close to take me to places I never thought i'd go mentally. Deep and dark places. Weird huh? One of the reasons I'm giving up social networking. Myspace, done. I'm still keeping the facebook but just not updating it. Twitter? Yeah the same as facebook.
I don't know, I'm just not a hipster! I want to do great things but everyone is just holding me back. It's time for change, not just minor change but major change. I sound like one of those dudes on the ITT tech commercials, but no I'm not going to go there haha.
It's just tough when EVERYONE you know has gotten cars bought for them, and at your $8.25 an hour job it's hard to buy a car. One, because you don't get very many hours. Two, because no matter how hard you try people keep coming up with reasons why you owe them money. Something is up with my parents and why they are against buying me a car... I honestly say they hold a grudge because they were never bought cars. They still think it's the 50's where it's unheard of that parents buy their kids cars. But take a good fucking look around, do you think all those kids bought their own cars? I highly doubt it.
I need a car, and one that doesn't cost $70 every 140 miles. It's tough. Life is tough.
I'm out of things to say. And I think I'm just rambling on haha. I gotta stop blogging so late in the night! I'm living out that movie office space! If they sell it at wal mart I'm going to buy it, because my stupid pants ripped and now I have to get new ones.... Is anywhere hiring?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Bobsled dreams

In all honesty how awesome would it be to win an Olympic medal? Extremely! I mean come on, how many people can say they have one?! I want one too.
I'm very sick. Not deathly or anything, but sick enough where I'm watching tv and taking a day off work to get well. What's on? The Olympics of course! Which got me thinking, out of all the sports, which one can I be the best at? I could never go as big as Shaun White, and have never tried skiing in my life. So bam it hit me.... Bobsled!
How awesome would it be to be the guy in the back, the real motor behind the operation? I can run fast, sprint, and hold on tight! Now I just have to find a school somewhere so I can sign up and become an Olympic bobsledder!
Monday, February 8, 2010
I posted this video on my main site.
Why do I want to do this? That is a good question really! Maybe just to see how much your change over
the year really! Well not YOU but me. It should be fun! I'm kind of curious to see how good my video
filming skills turn out to be, because if you have seen my snowboarding vlog, they aren't the best!
Why do I want to do this? That is a good question really! Maybe just to see how much your change over
the year really! Well not YOU but me. It should be fun! I'm kind of curious to see how good my video
filming skills turn out to be, because if you have seen my snowboarding vlog, they aren't the best!
Saturday, February 6, 2010

World confession time, we all have them! It could be; porn, youtube, blogging, chat roulette, online shopping, or hey even all of the above.. GAC ; ) The point I'm making is someone walked by my casa last night and heard me say "You didn't answer my question bitch!" So he thought I talked to my computer at the people on YouTube. What he didn't know was that I just watched the new Ask iJ video, and no she didn't answer my question, and she's not a bitch.
What made me mad was she used my question (about the Apple logo tattoo) but with someone else's name on it! COME ON! Have I not asked that question like a gazillion times? AT LEAST A GAZILLION! I think iJustine has been like my one thing I wouldn't want anyone to know about haha! Like for the longest time I didn't want to subscribe to her because I knew people would get jealous that I was watching a hot blonde lady on YouTube talking about Apple products. So I would always just search her and see if she had any new videos up. OH life you make the best of me haha.
Anyways, who says all that stuff is addicting? I mean come on it's kinda fun right? To be honest I don't see a problem with ANY of it. You know all the church people that are like "Porn is a sin and everyone who looks at it is going to hell!" Yeah we have all seen those people.. Are you telling me they have NEVER looked at porn? YOU KNOW they have. It's all over and hard to miss! I mean look at my wallpaper..
Am I going to hell for this? NO! Why would I because I love looking at a hot naked lady while I'm on my computer? HAHA yeah right! I think if you tell someone their going to hell, really you are the one who is going to hell! I try and have a new good lookin lady like once a week! It's like you know what it's MY computer and I don't want some stupid picture with yo ugly ass face and have you get pissed when I change it. Like I said, IT'S MY COMPUTER! New 27'' iMac : )
To sum it all up! It's not an addiction it's a hobby haha.
"Hey you are addicted to jacking off!"
"No no I'm not, it's just a hobby!"
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tomorrow is a major day for me, anyone who reads my blog, or anyone that really knows me well. Not to many people know about my blog obesession or lifestyle or that I'm kind of a big deal on the internet.
Everyone in my speech class a few semests back knows I'm probably the biggest BIGGEST fan of www.shockmansion.com! Out of all the blogs I'm subscribed to or RSS'd to, I am probably most the most loyal reader to that site!
Trying to bring MY blog site to more people I decided to interview different people I look up to, or that are super famous, or that are interesting! Scoring an interview with Shock Mansion is probably the coolest, most awesome thing ever! Oh yeah, it will be dropped in about...4 or 5 hours! It's extremely sick!! I'm just so stoked they responded and were totally cool about it.
2010 year spaceship people! Make it happen or fall behind!
Everyone in my speech class a few semests back knows I'm probably the biggest BIGGEST fan of www.shockmansion.com! Out of all the blogs I'm subscribed to or RSS'd to, I am probably most the most loyal reader to that site!
Trying to bring MY blog site to more people I decided to interview different people I look up to, or that are super famous, or that are interesting! Scoring an interview with Shock Mansion is probably the coolest, most awesome thing ever! Oh yeah, it will be dropped in about...4 or 5 hours! It's extremely sick!! I'm just so stoked they responded and were totally cool about it.
2010 year spaceship people! Make it happen or fall behind!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ok what do you think? Are you going to buy one? Wait, better question.. Would you buy one today without getting your hands on one? Personally I would want to play with one first, I mean come on the try before you buy rule goes for EVERYTHING! I'm only going to post one picture on here, but if you want to see the rest of them you can go HERE!
I'm excited for it! I can't wait for the new iPhone to come out either! And if it comes to verizon.. they are making a HUGE mistake! Verizon sucks and everyone knows that, they are just too stupid to admit it!
Sleeping problems.
What is the deal of late? I seem to be having a lot of problems trying to fall asleep at a decent time! Most people sleep into the next day, but I sleep in the same day! (If that makes sense) like I got to sleep at around 1 AM and wake up at 8 AM. So I do it all in the same day! I think that would be called good time managment skills? I don't know, yeah I would think of it as awesome! I have more time in the day, more time to study, more time to hustle, and more time to be awesome! Life is looking good and mean and clean!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Confession time. I'm a new fan of these. And when I say these, if you don't know what I'm talking about, are those calendars that everyday you tear off a new page!
Hold the phone there buddy! What is so special about these? Well everyday they say something new and funny and everyday you get to tear a new one off! So in retrospect it seems to make the year go by faster! I think they are fun! Oh yeah, I have an office one because as a matter of fact I love the office! I should of worn my dunder mifflin shirt today so they would of known how much I love paper!
Anyways, get a tear off calendar. If you want another truth, I have 4 calendars haha. I have one on my iPhone that I live out of, one in my computer, the regular wall one (the office) and the tear off one. So I should never be able to miss the date!
Another positive note, the main site has done 700 posts! Go check it out, www.onoroffblog.com
It's uhhhh Wednesday dude! NO! Well yes idiot it is! BUT in fact it is when the lovely Apple talks about all the new amazing stuff they are coming out with! How about the APPLE TABLET?! That we all have been waiting and wondering and drooling and hoping and dreaming and enough adjectives about! If you are from Mars or Pluto even, then you probably don't know what we are talking about.

How awesome is that? I gotta admit, I'm kind of skeptical about it too.. Like jumping into a pool first! You don't know what the water temp is going to be like, but you know that you'll have a dang good time! We shall see this beast tomorrow! But I know dang well and good that Apple's Stock is going to go through the roof!
What else.. OH WAIT how about the new iPhone?! YES you are correct! There are so many crazy ideas floating around what it's going to be, and how it's going to look..

We shall see! I'm excited, because everyone knows when Apple comes out with something new, it's better than everything else! How about the Droid? Yeah the Droid will never even come close to the iPhone so don't waste your money.
Maybe we will have an Apple release party?

How awesome is that? I gotta admit, I'm kind of skeptical about it too.. Like jumping into a pool first! You don't know what the water temp is going to be like, but you know that you'll have a dang good time! We shall see this beast tomorrow! But I know dang well and good that Apple's Stock is going to go through the roof!
What else.. OH WAIT how about the new iPhone?! YES you are correct! There are so many crazy ideas floating around what it's going to be, and how it's going to look..

We shall see! I'm excited, because everyone knows when Apple comes out with something new, it's better than everything else! How about the Droid? Yeah the Droid will never even come close to the iPhone so don't waste your money.
Maybe we will have an Apple release party?
Monday, January 25, 2010
Ok what the heck, I don't understand what the heck is wrong with that Grace girl from
The Secret Life of the American Teenager?! Just because she loves to masturbate doesn't mean she has to stop every single girl at her school from having sex. Shouldn't both of them be personal decisions, not forced? Yeah I think so. I mean come on, Ben and Ricky and that other guy Jack, just want to have sex!
Here is one thing that is a problem with the whole just say me thing. If the girls on the show don't want to have sex and only have sex with themselves, why are they wearing shirts that show more skin like they would want to have sex?
This show is wack. And the mexican chick just said prostitute. Yeah my point exactly!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Harry Potter
This MLIA is a crack up!
Today, I was invited to join the School of Wizardry on Facebook. I knew Dumbledore would find me, I just didn't know he would be so hi-tech about it. MLIA.
If only................
Today, I was invited to join the School of Wizardry on Facebook. I knew Dumbledore would find me, I just didn't know he would be so hi-tech about it. MLIA.
If only................
The Pregnancy Pact..
Ok this movie is wack! I don't know why anyone would want to get pregnant, especially in high school! It's not just one girl, how about 18? Talk about weird...
Ohhhh there is a blogger in this movie.. Who is blogging about the teen pregnancys..... And not just a text blog, it's a video blog.. The worst kind haha.
Yep the main girl is pregnant within the first 30 seconds of the movie.. Sad!
No more sex ever!
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Back to Conan, that dude can really jam on the guitar! It totally surprised me! But hey everyone has something about them that you will never know about till the end! HA! Another slam to that mystery person.. ANYWAYS! Yeah that dude can SHRED!

OK too long of a blog..
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
What do you think about this?
This summer, at summer camp, my friends and I took a bag of powdered sugar and put it in a plastic bag. We then waited in the bathrooms and whenever someone walked in, we would ask them if they wanted to buy some crack. We made $20. At a Boy Scout camp. MLIA
Boy Scouts.. Really?? Selling crack, well atleast pretending to.. That's pretty sad if you want the truth! What has our youth come to? I gotta love MLIA though, they have some of the best things on there that has inspired a new project I'm working on!
Oh yeah, I got one of those Livescribe pens for school and tried to do a review of it on my main site but the paper wouldn't let me export it! Oh well, can't complain about it!
Here is something random that I noticed as I am writing this.. The surf shop TKD finally got some new girls for their commercials! Now don't get me wrong, the girl they had in all the other commercials was super good looking, but hey it was about time to mix it up a little! Right? A lil change never hurt anyone!
Have YOU seen that new MTV show called the Buried Life? One word.. Inspiring! I have already donated my time once this year, and tried to buy a homeless man whatever he wanted from Mcdonalds (he only wanted money).. So I am inspired to help out more! It feels good, and I'm already a good person, so that's like double good haha. How awesome would it be to go to Haiti and help out with the rescue search? Very AWESOME! Too bad school starts soon, and I can't/don't want to miss any days! Gotta be a perfect student! No more distractions! Time for a little math, see if you can follow me....
Distractions = academic probation
Academic probation = working super hard to get off it.
Working super hard = 3.89 GPA
3.89 GPA still means you have to talk to a counselor to get off AP.
Talking to a counselor = seeing and talking to the hottest girl in the world! (I still kick myself for not getting her number.. Oh well)
== it all works out in some way shape or form!
With all that whole blog said, I'm very happy these days!
Live life!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
New 2012 question!
Ok so we all know that the rumor are saying world ends December 12, 2012.. Right? Right! Now is that December 12th in America or Australia? Since they are a day ahead of us.. Right? Right! Just something to think about! And what's going to happen? Everything is just going to go black and that's it? Or are we going to have a slow painless death like in the second Harry potter when Harry was dying from the huge snake? Read the book! So I have no idea, but the myth starters need to be mre clear on their lies they are spreading! Think about what I said though! It is a logical question right? YES!
- Posted from my iPhone! PEACE!
- Posted from my iPhone! PEACE!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
So I was trying to get this sick side job with a company called ChaCha and I totally did not pass the final test! WHAT A BUMMER! I passed the 4 tests before the final one though! If that counts for anything....
Oh well, my day isn't ruined! With every set back there is an even greater reward! RIGHT?! RIGHT!
Oh well, my day isn't ruined! With every set back there is an even greater reward! RIGHT?! RIGHT!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
This is like behind the scenes look at everything... What have I been up to in this new year? Where to start, where to start.. How about it's looking like I need to get ankle surgery because it's gotten worse than ever! Usually I can just walk it out and I'm good, but now I can barley walk! Talk about a bummer for the 09-10 riding season! What else.. Hawaii is 3 months away I think? Ted Nugent concert is 19 days away! School starts in less than a month! I got a sick job! What else can I say? Life is good! I got a sick ass case for my iPhone yesterday, and it is like a tank! I wonder what the new iPhone will look like in June? I have made a list of features I would like to see..
Ok this is a spur of the moment topic that just popped up.. You know what I hate?? When people leave comments on my other blog and ask a question.. Why wouldn't that be cool? Meaning they are reading and thinking and wondering? Well yes, but the problem is they leave the comment anonymous so you can't answer them back or reply to them! BOOM ROASTED!
Have you heard of the new Apple Tablets?
Sick huh? Too bad they are most likely going to be $1,000.. Yeah I think I will stick to my laptop! But hey that won't stop me from going to an Apple store and at least checking them out! And if they are extremely sick, there is always christmas and selling a kidney! Rumor has it that they will need a wi-fi subscription though.. So that is kind of a bummer!
Check out my other site, there are tons of sick videos! ON OR OFF BLOG
And you know what? You are better than the rest because you know about this top secret site that no one else does! You stay classy!
- Camera on the front! (video chat duh!)
- Better battery life! (Mine last all day tho)
- Allow you to download apps that are more than 10MB on your network!
Ok this is a spur of the moment topic that just popped up.. You know what I hate?? When people leave comments on my other blog and ask a question.. Why wouldn't that be cool? Meaning they are reading and thinking and wondering? Well yes, but the problem is they leave the comment anonymous so you can't answer them back or reply to them! BOOM ROASTED!
Have you heard of the new Apple Tablets?
Sick huh? Too bad they are most likely going to be $1,000.. Yeah I think I will stick to my laptop! But hey that won't stop me from going to an Apple store and at least checking them out! And if they are extremely sick, there is always christmas and selling a kidney! Rumor has it that they will need a wi-fi subscription though.. So that is kind of a bummer!
Check out my other site, there are tons of sick videos! ON OR OFF BLOG
And you know what? You are better than the rest because you know about this top secret site that no one else does! You stay classy!
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